Foxtel is still sending it down the S Vid cable - the quality is not up to full component standard and their BR is disgustingly low. I only buy it cos Mrs Tach likes the stuff there.
7 has always been miles behind everyone else - Kerry Stokes don't wanna spend the $$$ till the ACA forces him to. He figures he's got a couple of years left and still only has to b/cast 40 hrs a week of "HDTV", if I am right about the current state of the law (which I am probably not).
10 has been the leader in HD - but who wants to watch Big Bro in high def? Yecch!
7 has always been miles behind everyone else - Kerry Stokes don't wanna spend the $$$ till the ACA forces him to. He figures he's got a couple of years left and still only has to b/cast 40 hrs a week of "HDTV", if I am right about the current state of the law (which I am probably not).
10 has been the leader in HD - but who wants to watch Big Bro in high def? Yecch!