Have anybody had problems with Netflix. The first month or two They would ship movies out promptly and I would get 6 movies per week. Where I live if I ship a movie today, Netflix would get the movie the next day bacause I live near a distrubution center. But now sometimes it will take them 2 days to scan in a movie and 90 percent of the time now, they always ship my movie the next day instead of the same day. Sometimes I would put 3 movies in one envelope complete with the white sleeves and they would only scan in two and I call them to complain why they only scan in two movies, they always give me different excuses and then about ten minutes after I hang up the missing movie gets scan in. I have the 3 out at a time subscription and hate they are trying to limit the amount of movies you get per month. Netflix is far better than any online DVD rental companies out there but just hate the way they do business. Has anyone else had issues with Netflix?
Netflix Issues
Netflix has to make a profit on you. If you return too many movies too quickly then just the shipping cost Netflix has to pay each month will approach your monthly subscription fee. They have to slow you down to make money.
It's frustrating, but if you think about it from their point of view, they don't have a lot of choices. They're trying to stay competitive with Blockbuster so they can't go too high with the subscription fees. At the rates they're charging they can make a profit on most of their customers but the fast turnover people are a problem for them.
"Det blåser også her." - Erik den røde -
My dad used Netflix for a while, and never had a problem. He would get a new movie in almost every day, for he would watch and return them promptly. Now, I just get stuff from the library, which is free and limitless, and has the new movies for just $2/week.CYA Later:
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My DVD CollectionComment
Netflix is pretty cool, but after about a month or two I felt like I had watched everything I wanted to.
It was cool but I ended up just getting HBO.Comment
I experience the same exact problem as Keisha. It was great when I was on my trail period but, the week after I got off everything slowed down to turtle speed.
I understand why and its not that big of a deal. Its still cheaper than going to renting them manually (1 new release is $4.35 at my local movie store (Movie Gallery), Blockbuster is even higher than them). So even if I get just 2 movies a week from Netflix, its still cheaper than going to the movie store and renting them.
Bottom line is money! They have to make money to stay in business and they can't see a profit margin from shipping 6 movies a week. If I was Netflix, I would do the same. I've actually been experimenting with them lately. I got 3 movies in last Monday, I (my daughter) watched all 3, and put them back in the main box the same night. It took until Wed. before they received them but, according to them they only checked in 2 out of the 3. The 3rd movie was checked in a Thur. Then I received 3 more yesterday. When I was on my "trail period", I got 12 movies in those 2 weeks.Comment
Hmmm... jmet, don't you have a library near you? I have a really nice one... they have all the new releases, which are only $2. But all the DVDs older than 2 yrs old are absolutely free, with no limit.
Check out the selection! Also, they have some VHS releases of the older releases that you can't get on Netflix (the stuff that was never put on DVD)CYA Later:
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My DVD CollectionComment
Netflix or Blockbuster????????
At one time last year I had 5 at a tiime with Netflix and 8 at a time with Blockbuster online. I'm only one zip code away from the Netflix warehose and a whole borough away from the Blockbuster warehouse.
We all know who got dropped right becasue in one week I could barely get 6 DVDs a week out of my 5 at a time where in blockbuster sometimes doubled including all new releases requested.
The next move is on you..............Comment
Blockbuster isnt too great either. I have an in-store movie pass. it was 3 and then they changed it to 2 at a time. the price didnt change either. in my Blockbuster it was $35.97 now with 2 at a time its still $29.97! i havent tried online-rentals. but seeing that no one really likes Netflix i know who not to try. are there any other Online-Rental places out there? the library is out of the question. its pretty much right next to a high school. so everything is slim-pickins there.Not a member? Sign Up Here
That's why I use the libaray. Main reason - it is FREE!! and there is no limit. So like yeah there are due dates, but hey, I can turn it in and always put it back on hold!CYA Later:
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My DVD CollectionComment
I know Netflix has got to make money but my point is they cannot or will not backup what they advertise. They use underhanded methods to slow down the amount of movies you get per month. The first month they reel you in with excellent customer service and quick turnover of movies and after that everything starts going down hill. They had to know that there was going to be people like me that sends back movies promptly but on the other hand there are people like my brother who has the 3 out a time subscription and only averages 6 movies per month because he's slow to send them back. So with about 4 million customers and between the two types of people, I think Netflix makes a pretty good profit.Comment
My office is next door to the post office which all Nexflix returned DVDs are received.(for this area anyway) I drop
the DVDs inside the post office then walk next door to my
office. This is usually around 730AM everyday...I must
say the I'm impressed by the post office's speed, because
I usually get emails from Netflix saying they've received
the DVDs I just dropped off by 10AM. Not really sure how
they do this. Whenever they ship DVDs to me, I get them
by noon the next business day.
Back to the OP's question. Yes, Netflix will "blacklist" your
account if you return too many DVDs too quickly. This is
especially true if most DVDs on top of your list are very
popular or have just been released.
My solution around that is getting a new Netflix account
every 2 to 3 months. I either use my home address, or
three of my office address in my building. Just make sure
to use different credit cards, otherwise they'll figure out it's
the same person.
The added bonus of this is that Netflix will usually give you
a discount when you close your account, in order to try to
keep you as a customer. For example, I had my most
recent 8-DVDs-at-a-time account since October. I called
Netflix on the phone and said I wanted to cancel.(which I
really did, because I was going to set up another acct)
The rep kept asking me if I wanted to say... I kept saying
no... then she offered me 50% off for the next 3 months
and I finally gave in. I was paying $47.99 for the 8-DVD
plan. Now I will only pay $23.99 for the next 3 months
for the 8-DVD plan. What a deal...It's just like what
the cell phone companies are doing. I recently got a new
Motorola RAZR phone after telling my currently cell phone
company that I wanted to switch to a different carrier.Comment
Originally Posted by jmetI experience the same exact problem as Keisha. It was great when I was on my trail period but, the week after I got off everything slowed down to turtle speed.
When I was on my "trail period", I got 12 movies in those 2 weeks.Comment
I've used Netflix for over a year now, I have the 5 movie subscription plan. I have noticed the same problems. I don't buy the 'they have to make money' excuse. For example, my subscription costs me $30 a month. I turn, on the average, 7 movies a week, which is 28 a month. Netflix gets a HUGE discount from the post office obviously because they ship massive quantities. There is no way the shipping of my 28 movies approach my $30 monthly fee. Now, I have no idea what the exact cost is to ship a movie, but I would be suprised if it is much more than the cost of a regular letter.
I guess it is 'they have to make money' driving this problem. But there is no way they are not making money on me. They are just trying to make even more off of us.
Another thing that I've started doing, since I live in a city that has a Netflix distribution center, I have made labels so that if a movie came from another state, I can return it to dist. center here in town. That has saved 3 or 4 days turn around time in some cases.Last edited by MrClean; 13 Jan 2006, 11:32 AM.Comment
I had same problems, also if you hit browse new releases the new movies are about 3 weeks old, but if you enter netfix with out your username and stored info you get all the latest title releasted that week or day ect..Comment