If you actually took the time to read my post before mouthing off you would have seen that I stated that it was poor old uufta.
Re-direct to Lycos?
Jack, I couldn't read it... as the second I clicked the thread, McAfee came up with a trojan warning, and I hit "delete" and it IMMEDIATELY took me to Tripod.
I had to fight it off... By keeping the McAfee thing open, dunno how much harm that did to my PC.CYA Later:
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I got a new idea... maybe Admin could enforce this:
In a signature, if ANYTHING links to *tripod* (or similar), then to remove the link from it, so as to not have that happen.CYA Later:
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But who says others won't be infected soon? Not sure who this guy was, but it sounds bad.CYA Later:
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No problem... I just think that script should be automatically removed... maybe Admin could take care of that.
PS - anyone else get a McAfee warning, or is it just me?CYA Later:
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Some jerk had a go at hacking the forum by the look of it. It went straight for the elite of the forum, me, Blu and Chewy!http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=64040
The best thing for trees is a bloody big axe! Works for stupidity too!!
You have a problem? Search the forums, you 'aint the first person to have your problem thats for sure!!
There's a bloke called Blutach here somewhere, check out his signature. Loads of useful info in it!
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That's what I get.CYA Later:
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