video viewing issue

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  • mikehende
    • Apr 2006
    • 95

    video viewing issue

    When the videos show in a small window they show a lot better compared to fullscreen for obvious reasons, what I'd like to know is, is there a way to "project" that small window alone unto a wall? Meaning, instead of viewing at fullscreen, I think it would be better to use a projector if the projector can somehow project only the small window and not the entire screen around that small window, your thoughts?
  • photo_angel2004
    Queen of Digital Video
    Queen of Digital Video
    • Jan 2004
    • 3558

    What type of video are you referring to please?

    IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


    • BR7
      He is coming to your little town!
      • Aug 2005
      • 2137

      maybe this will help here is the link

      My Blu-ray Collection


      • mikehende
        • Apr 2006
        • 95

        These particular videos which are giving me some trouble are videos I got off of youtube which I had to give the flv extensions and show through Media Player Classic.

        Thanks for the link on the projector but what I was getting at was if I could get only the small window "itself" to project as opposed to the entire screen? My thinking is the a projector will only project what's on the entire screen? I might have to go to a projector-specific forum for this.


        • mikehende
          • Apr 2006
          • 95

          Lowering the resolution doesn't make it better unfortunately and getting a better video source for these oldies is damn near impossible. I have joined a projector forum, will see if it is possible to project only what's in the video window, in the meantime, regarding MPC, I did notice that by manually expanding the screen both vertically and horizontally I can get it to a certain point, usually around 3/4 fullscreen, where it will still look good, problem is, when the next song plays the screen goes back to normal, is there a way I can lock the screen at the desired size and have it stay that way for all songs?


          • anonymez
            Super Moderator
            • Mar 2004
            • 5525

            while displaying low res videos in a small window/no zoom will reveal less blocking, when it gets blown up with something like a projector, all you're likely to get is a colourful blurry mess, and there's really not much you can do about that other than find a better source.

            my advice is to take a look at ffdshow's filtering functions, particularly postprocessing, sharpen and maybe blur & nr. while it won't exactly work wonders, it can certainly help with blocking/artefacts.
            "What were the things in Gremlins called?" - Karl Pilkington


            • mikehende
              • Apr 2006
              • 95

              Yes, word from the Projector forum is that I can't project only a part of a screen and also as stated here that the videos will look even worse if projected so that's that.

              On to my next immediate hurdle now, which is the graphics problems associated with the window resizing in MPC, if I simply import a directory of videos into MPC and let it run, it works perfect, only when I try to resize the default small window that I am having major graphics problems and I have to reboot the system.

              Manually dragging the sides and top/bottom does no good becuase when the next video in the playlist begins, the screen goes back to default. I then tried using the various zoom settings including the auto-fit feature and even though I have "Remember last window size" in Options checked, it still goes back to default when the next video plays, I can't see that I am doing anything wrong, if anyone reading this has MPC, can you PLEASE see if you can resize the window using any method and tell me if the window will stay resized for all videos in the playlist? Thanks.

              p.s. Yes, I had looked into ffdshows filtering options upon installation.


              • anonymez
                Super Moderator
                • Mar 2004
                • 5525

                can you PLEASE see if you can resize the window using any method and tell me if the window will stay resized for all videos in the playlist?
                it doesn't, i've tried getting it to stay the same size as well. only way to keep window size between different res videos in a playlist is to keep the window maximized
                "What were the things in Gremlins called?" - Karl Pilkington


                • mikehende
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 95

                  Thanks, now that's a major problem for me as the default is way too small and the fullscreen does not show good with these old videos, got to give this some thought to see if I have any recourse, if you or anyone else should come up with an idea, please post.

                  p.s. getting a better source is definitely not an option.


                  • anonymez
                    Super Moderator
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 5525

                    since a better source isn't an option, imho you can't do much more than what's stated in post #6
                    "What were the things in Gremlins called?" - Karl Pilkington


                    • mikehende
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 95

                      Problem with the video encoder options in ffdshow is there are many options and I don't have a clue what most of them mean, can I impose on you to ask if you can tell me which options should be checked please?


                      • anonymez
                        Super Moderator
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 5525

                        play one of your videos, double click the ffdshow icon in the system tray, select & tick postprocessing, tick mplayer & accurate deblocking, and/or whatever else you think causes an improvement (you'll see the effects immediately after changing a setting)

                        maybe tinker with blur & nr too
                        "What were the things in Gremlins called?" - Karl Pilkington


                        • mikehende
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 95

                          Those were the settings I had chosen actually [just by pure guessing], the blur makes it worse but I do see the video change when I tamper with the settings, thanks.


                          • mikehende
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 95

                            Good news and bad, the good, found the solution, in Options, I have to select the autofit from the drop-down menu, this I had done only in the View menu in the interface. The bad, I am still having graphics problems whenever I use the "skip forward" button, if I let the videos in the playlist play on their own, it's fine but if I try to skip to the next video the pc screen starts flickering like crazy and I have to manually shut down the pc after readinf these error messages:

                            "Problem caused by the file ialmrnt5

                            ialmnrt5 display driver has stopped working normally

                            The device driver got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the device itself or the device driver"

                            This problem I am getting is only with MPC and my graphics drivers are all up to date so now with these error messages, what can I do to solve this problem please?


                            • anonymez
                              Super Moderator
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 5525

                              dunno why it'd do that (well, i have an inkling, crappy onboard graphics), maybe spits out the error when tries to render 2 videos at once? try going options-->output-->vmr9 renderless
                              "What were the things in Gremlins called?" - Karl Pilkington

