i'm having big problem....please help

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  • mclement
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 5

    i'm having big problem....please help

    Hi all,

    OK Listen ,,,,for the past few years i was addicted to vcd but a week ago my friend show me a divx movie and i was really impress, it's amazing to see the quality of the movie ..
    So i decided to start trying to make my dvd to divx , so i went to this site and i searched for guides to learn what i need to do to make the perfect divx ..

    If i post a message here it's only because i didn't find any guide that can help me to make a perfect divx..seriously all my vcd are better than the divx i made....the divx movie i made was not very good so i'm wondering if someone can help me and tell me what i need and how can i do a great divx movie..

    here's what i did:

    #1. rip my dvd with smartripper
    #2. use flaskmpeg
    #3. radium codec mp3
    #4. divx 5.0 codec and i also tried divx 4.0 codec

    here's the guide i have follow to make a divx movie ...

    so if someone can help me it will be very appreciate...

    thanks in advance..

  • mrwicked
    • Jun 2002
    • 59

    Use UncasMS DVD back-up guide: http://www.atlandide.net/~uncasms/en/index.php
    Then rip the vob files and use his Gordianknot / DivX5.0 encoding guide. It helps alot!


    • mclement
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2002
      • 5

      ok but this guide looks to work only with PAL not on NTSC....

      am i right ??

      thanks in advance


      • Batman
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2002
        • 2317

        Visit divx-digest.com and vcdhelp.com, and search this forum for Setarip's guides. Yes I believe UNCASMS's guides are intended for PAL, however with some modification you may be able to use it for NTSC.


        • mclement
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2002
          • 5

          sorry but i didn't find Setarip's guide in any web page you gave me..

          could you please be more specific like an adress please..
          many thanks...


          • Batman
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Jan 2002
            • 2317

            Here is Setarip's procedure, just read the relevant post:


            • mclement
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2002
              • 5

              it's almost impossible that nobody have a guide to give me to be able to make perfect divx..

              i need help ....yeah i saw so many guides but none of them was good enough..

              so one last chance i need help ...

              many thanks


              • UncasMS
                Super Moderator
                • Nov 2001
                • 9047

                for the best possible quality use GORDIANKNOT and DIVX5;
                flask is NOT playing in the same league!

                it's true, my guide is based on my pal-experience and meant for PAL, but in order to handle ntsc material you will only have to add/change some minor details!!

                i did only convert a few ntsc movies so far and therefor, i did not add any NTSC part to my guide, because i don't like guides that are not based on sufficient experience!

                but take a look at parts of my routines (in particular the SOUND routine) and compare the guide at doom9

                stick to what you find in these guides and your output files wont get any better


                • mclement
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2002
                  • 5

                  hey thank you very much UncasMS

                  that is exactly what i wanted..

                  many thanks

