Dangit I'm starting to get a new problem. Hoping one of you Pro's can help me out. My .rm files useing RV9 are looking good. Just got one problem. When I am going to play them it doesn't skip, it more like freezes fro a split second every 3-5 seconds. I don't know why. And it isn't just with them. I was playing other files that I downloaded like music videos and they do the exact same thing. Then I would open the same file in Windows Media Player and that problem wouldn't be there. Any Ideas on that? Thanks
PS. I know there is ther .rm to avi program. When you do that does the filesize change since .avi doesn't have some of the feaetures .rm has? Or is there a way to play .rm file in windows media player???
PS. I know there is ther .rm to avi program. When you do that does the filesize change since .avi doesn't have some of the feaetures .rm has? Or is there a way to play .rm file in windows media player???