Can I edit VOB files???

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  • luciano
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 23

    Can I edit VOB files???

    I'd like to make a compilation with the best scenes of my DVDs and record it on my Hard Disk (60 giga). I made the back up of DVDs with Smart Ripper and my question is:

    Is it possible to edit VOB files and cut only the part that I need?

    Thank you very much for your answers!

    Ciao! Luciano.
  • Nielchiano
    • Aug 2002
    • 70

    In which format would you like to store it? Uncompressed AVI???? MPEG 1? 2? 4? DivX?

    I don't see any advantage in keeping the files in VOB format, since most soft doen't support VOBs.
    We were all newbies once... and we all needed some help once, so lets once help the newbies.


    • luciano
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2002
      • 23


      I'd like to store it with the same audio and video quality of the original.

      I'm not an expert, so I don't know the differences between VOBAvi, mpeg...

      Thanks for your answer!



      • Nielchiano
        • Aug 2002
        • 70

        Hmm, your compilation. what form will it be in? One long video with all scened one after the other?
        Or 276 (or whatever) seperate video files?

        And how would you like to get to them? just open the file you want in media-player? or use a DVD-like structure to make a GigaDVD on your HDD?

        And how "original" should the scenes be? Only video+audio? or also subtitles? and secondary (or more) audio-streams (the commentary-like-stuff)?
        We were all newbies once... and we all needed some help once, so lets once help the newbies.


        • luciano
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2002
          • 23


          thanks a lot for your interest! Hereunder are my answers:

          I'd prefer 276 (...) separate video files and use a DVD-like structure (e.g. every scene is a chapter of the GigaDVD).
          The original should be only audio+video (of the same quality of the original) and no secondary language, subtitles or extra stuff.

          Thanks, waiting for your help!
          Ciao! Luciano.


          • Nielchiano
            • Aug 2002
            • 70

            so you want in fact one long video, containing all scenes. Every scene is also a chapter.
            I don't know if there is any limit on the number of chapters... but I'm sure there is one (maybe 100000, maybe 100) (anyone else?)

            You'll have to rip all the scenes (or the chapters containing them) and split the scenes out. I suggest VOBrator demuxing (only the things you need), and then one or another MPEG tool (anyone?) to split them.

            Once you have all your scenes in m2v (+audio), you should write down how long they are (take Excel, easyer for later on) and join them together in the ordeer you like.

            Go to any DVD author software, add the joined M2v file. Add the chapters using the CUMULATIVE times in excel (just telect row 1 till 7 to get the cumulative time for ch7.

            then tell that DVD soft to make your DVD, and youre set.
            We were all newbies once... and we all needed some help once, so lets once help the newbies.


            • luciano
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2002
              • 23

              thank you very much for your reply! I'll give it a try and I let you know!

