.Avi movie problems
.Avi movie problems
I downloaded this movie (.avi) and when I play it on a .avi movie player I only hear it I don't see any video ;___; I am dieing to know how do I fix this problem and yah I am verrrrryyy new to this video stuff.
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In order to determine which codec(s) you need for a particular .AVI, you should do the following:
1) Load the file into VirtualDub
2) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "File Information"
3) Post (here) EVERYTHING you see (both video and audio information), or post a screen capture .jpg of the information box -
well I did what u said...so here is the prob..the pic. should be attached to this entryAttached FilesComment
ok..eh..one more thing..how do I download itall I get is a bunch of links...however when I clik on Version 3.11 Alpha - Mirror Link 1 the link doesn't work right...
so do I just download tha mirror link 2? or ne thing else?
OMG IT WORKS THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!YOUR THE BEST!!! *glomps whoever you are* blahahahahah I am so happy!!! THANK YOUUUUU