Need help converting DVD to AVI for editing

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  • Vey
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 5

    Need help converting DVD to AVI for editing

    I am looking for some help or suggestions with a project I have inherited.

    A friend had some home movies converted to DVD by a local mastering company. But now he wants to replace the original audio with a commentary and master it back to DVD. Unfortunately he doesn’t have all of the original footage, and he isn’t willing to pay the mastering company to do it for him. So he has asked me, since I have a new Pioneer DVR-A03 that I haven’t gotten the chance to really play with.

    What I need to do is get the video off the DVD (4:3 NTSC interlaced) in a format that Adobe Premier can edit. Edit in the new audio which he has already recorded and given to me in WAV format, and recreate the DVD. I have DVDit, but from what I have heard there may be better, more reliable programs out there. I also have a few Pioneer 4.7G DVD-R disks that came with the drive, but can get other media if it works better.

    But I have run into a problem with the first part. I don’t have a video import card, and really don’t want to spend the half a grand it seems to cost to get a good hobbyist model. So I was trying to use some of the DVD conversion tools to rip the video into uncompressed AVI. I have had the best luck with Flask (v.6), but I have one problem that I can’t get past. When I watch the vob file (I saved it to my hard drive) in WinDVD it looks fine. But when I open it in Flask and just play it, I get really bad interlacing (I think this is referred to as tearing, but please correct me if I am wrong). When I rip it and then play it in WinDVD again, the tearing it terrible. I have used a few of the online guides to set up flask, but I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. The strangest part is, if I try to rip vob file from a good progressive title (like Ghost in the Shell) it looks fine both in play mode in Flask and when I “Flask it” and play it in WinDVD.

    Any help, any suggestions would be very helpful. If there is any way to get this video out in near original quality without the purchase of extra hardware I would much prefer that.


  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "But when I open it in Flask and just play it, I get really bad interlacing (I think this is referred to as tearing, but please correct me if I am wrong). When I rip it and then play it in WinDVD again, the tearing it terrible"

    Although I personally work with the older Flask v.0.594PX3, I presume that the experimental v.0.6xxx still includes a checkbox for "Deinterlace" in the "Global" settings. If I'm correct, it should be as simple as selecting this feature...


    • Vey
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 5

      Progress has been made, thanks for the help

      I tried the deinterlace setting of 14 and it helps, quite a bit actually. I mist have had the threshold too high before. So now I am using Flask to create uncompressed AVI at 29.97fps, which makes HUGE files. Then editing it with Premier and frame serving it into TMPEG, which seems to work.

      Now I am wondering if I am creating problems for myself. At some point this video has to be reinterlaced, I guess by either TMPEG or DVDit. Maybe I should just edit it as interlaced and go from there.

      I guess I will find out what works.

      Thanks for the help, but any more suggestions would still be greatly appreciated



      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        Glad to hear the change of Deinterlace setting helped.

        "At some point this video has to be reinterlaced"



        • Vey
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2002
          • 5

          Video has to be reinterlaced?

          I was thinking about that today, and it might not have to be.

          I am importing the DVD into Premier to remaster the audio. Then I was planning on frameserving it to TMPG to reencode it to mpg2 and have DVDit create a DVD.

          I figured either TMPG or DVDit would want to reinterlace it, unless I can create a truly progressive title. That would be great, but from what I have read I need it in 24 fps to make it progressive scan. Flask will let me convert it to 24fps, but when I do the timing seems off. Everything I play it in plays it too fast, or at leasty the speed seems inconsistant. So, if I have to leave it in 30ftp than it looks like I have to reinterlace it at some point before it goes onto DVD, otherwise most DVD players may not be able to read it.

          Maybe I am just misunderstanding this.



          • Damian
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2002
            • 14

            is DVD interlaced?

            I feel ur pain...and i started a thread on what the 'rule' is for it interlaced or not and is the process to take captured video that is interlaced (avi or miniDV) and de-interlace it before encoding for DVD output.

