Question plz

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  • msi435
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 17

    Question plz

    here is my list of Qs

    1) when i ripp it into AVI i my audio is always off and i cant get it to sync right :/

    2) my audio quality is bad and i want it bettha

    3) i dont have V-CD burning software and is there any place where i can dowlad a nice small one

    4) is there any other good stuff i can use other than what i got wich lists as follows : DVDdecryper , flask Mpeg, AC3CONV, DVDtool, Vrtual Dubb i use all that to get a AVI and i want a mpeg possibly becasue that compreeses more and better quality right? well if not then i need somthing that will have goo qualuity sound and vidio and compresses pritty good

    well i hope some of you pople can answer these questions if not than thank you any way
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "1) when i ripp it into AVI i my audio is always off and i cant get it to sync right :/

    2) my audio quality is bad and i want it bettha"

    What audio settings are you using (and in which software) when initially converting the DVD to .AVI?


    • msi435
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 17


      well i use a prog called ACE3TOWAV and the audio quality comes out good but when i compress it with VIRTUAL DUBB is comes out bad :/


      • Thrawn
        Super Member
        Super Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 268

        i just use 1 prog to make mpeg1 videos from a dvd (it takes 6-7 hours or so)

        DVDX 1.4b (1.6 is latest)

        it just works fine and u can define by changing the bitrate how big your file should be (quality loss of course, but with at least 900 kb/sec it should be watchable, audio should be good at all)

        for a complete workshop (in german) go here:

        Here search for "dvdx" and watch the screenprints.
        Note that u first have to watch some secs of the dvd on your pc before u start dvdx

        After i have mpeg1 files i use nero-burning rom ( to burn them in VCD format to watch them on DVD Players.
        Nero can burn up to nearly 800 mb mpeg1 file on 1 700MB CD-R.
        The Grandadmiral was here!


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          "i use all that to get a AVI and i want a mpeg possibly becasue that compreeses more and better quality right?"

          That's not correct. If you're using a DivX codec in creating your .AVI files, the .AVI file will be significantly more compressed than will either an MPEG1/MPEG1VCD or MPEG2 file. Additionally, if you're using the .AVI file to then create either an MPEG1/MPEG1VCD or MPEG2 file, the MPEG files will NOT be of better quality.


          • squidgy
            bored during 4th period
            • Jan 2002
            • 44

            Well, I'm a total newbie to all of this, so I'll say what I've found.

            Today, I used Smartripper 2.41 to get a music video .vob file from a region 2 DVD, was about 200MB. This took only a couple of minutes. I then used FlasKMPEG to convert it to .avi, came out to about 100MB. This took an hour, and I was disappointed that the audio and video in the avi file weren't in synch.

            But I thought, nuts, so I then used TPMGEnc to convert this avi file to an MPEG, about 40MB. Took 20 minutes. Actually had to do it twice, because aspect ratio didn't come out quite right when I first converted to .avi, so tried to correct this when converting to .mpg. However, despite the audio and video not being in synch in the .avi file, they were perfectly in synch in the .mpg file.

            Absolutely no idea why that is. Is it something to do with the frame rate? Still, it worked, so I'm happy.
            There's a difference between love and Stockholm Syndrome.
            technobabble and psychobabble


            • Thrawn
              Super Member
              Super Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 268

              did u watch the avi-video file with bad audio with Windows Media Player? I have the same prob, so i watch avi-Files with DivXs "The Playa" and have no more probs. I have heard that Windows Media Player 6.4 should work fine with it too.
              The Grandadmiral was here!


              • msi435
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jan 2002
                • 17


                ummm.. i used the DVDX thing and i really like it but errors come up that say i need auth.dll and when i play all my vidios i need a dll called vobasub.dll i hope some one can help me


                • squidgy
                  bored during 4th period
                  • Jan 2002
                  • 44

                  In my case, I do have Windows Media Player 7.1 installed, but I used Irfanview to play it, although I think that merely embeds WMP in a window. I can't remember if I tried playing the AVI with PowerDVD or anything else.

                  Since I've got the .mpg and the original DVD, I've deleted the .avi file now, because it was gobbling up a lot of hard disk space. Still, I'm planning to do a few more rips in the next week, so I'll try what Thrawn suggests, then and post to say what happens.
                  There's a difference between love and Stockholm Syndrome.
                  technobabble and psychobabble

