Hello everyone, im new to the fourms although i have been reading and using divx-digest for some time now. I am currently making videos of local music bands in our area and local music scene. on the weekends a few of us get togeather and go to show and record with the camcorder, Well anyway to make it short as possable, we want to make an intro video to these videos. I see alot of ppl with videos on the web and the have some cool small 30sec clip before the actual video plays. I would like to use a link for the webpage of the band and credit to the filmer and converter. I use alot of programs but mainly VirtualDud and Windows Movie maker. If anyone can give me any pointers or know of any apps that help simplify this process, would be great help. I have others in my local community who have allready gotten some of our videos and asked or suggested a link and intro video. Thanks Alot..