I have been reading this site and sownloading software for about a week now, its all extremely interesting but I must admit on alot of things Im pretty lost. mainly I have been encoding my DVDs to AVI files and I really luv doing it, but I seam to find more problems then solutions. Mainly I am wondering what is the best method to do it. So far I have been trying DVDdecoder, Vstrip and SmartRipper, to strip the DVD then using DVD2AVI, then Gordian Knot for the final step into AVI files that I can watch on my Media Player or burn to a CD. Is this the best way to do this or are there better options that I cant find. I have been reading all the articles I can find on here and I cant seem to put my finger on the easiest way to do what I want.
Any suggestions will be very welcome
Thanks and have a nice day
Any suggestions will be very welcome
Thanks and have a nice day