Image quality

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  • dragon
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 4

    Image quality

    I have managed to get my tv out to work (at present just as a computer monitor) and am disappointed with the quality of the image. The central 25% of the screen is fine but the image towards the top/bottom and especially at the sides is out of focus. Is this a problem with the card (Leadtek WinFast GeForce 2 Titanium - 64 DDR), the TV (4 year old JVC), the tube size (24 inch), resolution (800x600), connection (s-video) or something else that a complete newbie like me can't think of?
  • Kaiser-Soze
    Platinum Member
    Platinum Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 165

    I think probably it is the T.V but u didn't mention what player u are using?
    Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


    • dragon
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 4

      I'm sorry if I'm being a bit simple.
      So far I've only tried using the tv in place of the computer monitor. I haven't used it to watch dvds. I was talking about how the image of my computer desktop looks on the tv. I've got the picture (focus) a little better by messing about with the tv's brightness\contrast\colour settings, but the image is still out of focus at the edges. When using the tv as a tv the picture is fine.


      • Kaiser-Soze
        Platinum Member
        Platinum Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 165

        Have u configured your card for PAL or NTSC? If yes u have to klnow that there are also different PAL's and NTSC's
        I mean there is PAL-B, PAL-D,e.t.c
        I Live at Greece and We use PAL-G Check your T.V and reconfigure
        Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...

