Still needing help , but getting better ,Tnx to all

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  • rosecloud
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 28

    Still needing help , but getting better ,Tnx to all


    1st of a special cheers to 1smellyfish for his help & for leading

    me to chickenmans tutorial(Tnx chickenman)

    That was a great tutorial by Chickenman, alot of effort was put into it , but i still have some


    i quote the statement as follows...

    " This can take 5 to 10 hours or more depending on the length of movie, your computer speed and other movie parameters. Go to Options/Task Priority and set to When Active - High Priority. This speeds up the conversion by 5-10%. So turn the monitor off and go to bed. Wake up Neo and all should be done."

    Okay , a poster in the Digital Video forum ,named Abdul, was getting 1 to one conversion time , with a 1.7 Ghz

    processor , & 256 DDR ram , i have a 1.6 & same ram , should i expect the same as he

    got , how did he get such great time ?????

    i have some problematic files here , TMPG cannot open them , so i`m real curious & frustrated wondering what type of files

    these are & how to make an Mpg to make a VCD.(AVI2VCD will open them if i decompress the audio with AVI decompress) , but all

    i read tells me to strictly use TMPG , for quality ETC....

    The so called problematic files follow with all the info i could make available , in my limited knowledge

    ALL read as Video clip in windows properties , not DIVX or .avi Etc....i omit the names of the flicks Movie #..

    for obvious reasons..

    Why wont TMPG (Or even Nero) , open these???????

    Ie: Movie # 1, in windows reads as [mm]oceans.11.ts
    158 Mb in size(Only part of flick)
    width 352 pixels
    height 240 pixels

    Duration 56 min 58 sec
    Bitrate 55 KBs
    audio format MPEG layer 3


    Framerate 14 frames/sec
    Data rate 47 Kb/s

    Movie # 2

    Generally the same
    221 Mb (1 Hr 14 Min , part of flick)
    14 Frames/sec

    Another part of this flick is called Good Cam(What
    does this mean ???)

    Movie # 3
    159 Mb 1 hour (Part of flick)

    Generally the same , 12 frames/sec

    Movie # 4(Cam)
    (Same general specs as others , will play
    in windows , others won`t , player can`t , plays
    the funky visuals that come with media player)

    TMPG cant open

    Media player plays this as well

    TMPG can`t open

    Here are some questions centring mostly around concerns of quality(My fear of fudging a good flick Etc...)

    & i quote chicken man as follows....

    "Check the Frames Per Second - fps. If its 25 fps then its PAL, if 29.97fps then its NTSC and if 23.976 then its FILM. So now click Load and load the appropriate VideoCD template. For a PAL conversion, "

    Okay , i have some here @ 12 & 14 frames per second , what format are these ? & can/should i attempt to improve
    frame rate?

    How much tinkering around can i do in Ie: TMPG to get a quality file ???? Is there such a thing as making a good flick

    out of a not so good one(Some looked worse in preview in TMPG than they did on my PC).

    TMPG offers alot of options , most concern to me in Mpeg setting -Video tab...Esp pixel size , aspect ratio , frame rate ,

    rate control , bit rate Etc.... The other 5 tabs scare me & boggle my already aching head(Hahahaha)

    being somewhat versed in Mp3`s , i can judge whether an Mp3 is worth D/L , Ie the size compared to bit rate Etc...

    To apply a similar knowledge to movies would save me a great deal of time.So to be of acceptable quality a flick

    1 hour long , in DIVX should be of what file size ? , of an AVI , & an Mpg(i`ve experienced a 777 Mb Mpg being of

    very good quality.Since , i believe , that AVI & DIVX are compressed (when expanded , become Mpg`s) , so they will

    be much smaller with equal quality ???? But some of the 159 Mb & 229 Mb files mentioned above even look like crap on

    my PC , & i`ve found everything , no matter how good on the PC , to lose quality once played on a TV(Mine , a 46 " Sony)

    So if these curious files i mention above , can somehow be converted/Expaned , will they ever be any better than they are

    now ? Are they really a waste of good PC time ?

    Now that i have a small handle on what DIVX is , what is an AVI ? How does it compare ? How do i convert 1 of these ?

    How can i tell if i have an AVI , a DIVX or ?????? It doesn`t seem TMPG can open & convert AVI.

    The final inquiry (Thank god your saying Hahahaha- ) concerns the one step process nero offers , AVI (& DIVX ??? )

    straight to Mpg.i see Nero doesn`t give much quality control , & the option it gives sometimes when it can`t open a file ,

    the option to reencode.Is nero of a good enough quality to let it do this ? Because often , TMPG won`t open a file

    when Nero will

    i say a huge Tnx to all for your time & patience , i hope that once i`m a senior @ this game , that i can return

    much assistance , so friendly as you`ve all been to me

  • Kaiser-Soze
    Platinum Member
    Platinum Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 165

    I am a little dizzy right now so I 'll only answer the first question (been drinkin' havin' a true life too) ) about the time...
    It all depends on the program u are using and to the quality and total filesize u desire.
    Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


    • 1 Smelly Fish
      Super Member
      Super Member
      • Nov 2001
      • 274

      No worries mate, check your e-mail for further information as its way too much to write here
      3000 word essay brings back school day memories


