Need help with a file

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  • funker
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 6

    Need help with a file

    Hi, I just recently got into video encoding some please excuse my newbocity .

    My problem is I got what I think is an SVCD from a friend, and I want to encode it into DivX. I've read through all of Nicky's guides very carefully and all of the encoders I have tried haven't worked (Virtual Dub, Flask, MPEG2AVI, etc). The only success I have had is using DVD2AVI and saving a project (.m2v) "fake AVI" file- this is good, except for the life of me I can't find a useable filter in Graphedit to get the audio. I've tried many filters; Ligos MPEG, MPEG-2, and the MPEG splitters/decoders and none can link up with the file.

    One thing I tried was hex editing the file (using one of Nicky's tricks) to fool Flask into reading it- this didn't work, but when in hex editor I noticed it says:

    00000000: 52 49 46 46 94 B5 44 32 43 44 58 41 66 6D 74 20 | RIFF..D2CDXAfmt

    RIFF..D2DXAfmt? I'm not sure what to make of this. I was almost positive it was some sort of MPEG-2, but like I said I'm a newbie.

    ANY help would be appreciated it telling me what this file is, how to encode it, or how to get the audio off of it (filter to use in Graphedit?). Even if the suggestion is "piss off newb", that's better than nothing after the hours I've spent on this.



    PS: Initially, the only player I could get to play these was winDVD 2000, by opening the AVESQ01.MPG itself off the CD. Neither winDVD or powerDVD would read the CD automatically when it was put into the drive.. argh.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "the only player I could get to play these was winDVD 2000"

    Run the video under WinDVD2000 and examine the "Audio" information after selecting "Properties".

    Additionally, if your version of WinDVD2000 has a small "player", it should state both the type of video and the audio format.

    Post your findings.


    • funker
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2002
      • 6

      Ok, current audio track is

      Format: MPEG1
      Attributes: 16bit/44.1k/2ch

      Again thanks for the help.



      • funker
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2002
        • 6

        I don't see the video information though, do you mean it should be displayed on the small "control" part that is separate from the video? (ie: the one that says Delta in the corner and has volume controls, etc)


        I didn't see the video information under properties.. I'm probably missing something obvious here though.


        • funker
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2002
          • 6

          Welp, I finally got it working. Had initial trouble with getting the audio track (which Graphedit solved). The main problem though was DVD2AVI apparently has a 480x480 resctriction, and my movie was in 640x272.. so it was cropping the sides. Luckily, I found the Vidomi Encoder which seems to be running like a champ.

          thanks for the help!



          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            That is the header of an SVCD- and WinDVD should certainly be able to handle it via "drag&drop".

            Two procedures are required to convert it to a DivX-compressed .AVI file:

            1) Load it into TMPGEnc as follows:

            Set the mode to "plain vanilla" MPEG-2 (NOT MPEG2-SuperVideoCD)
            Enter a new filename in the "Output" box
            Press the "Run" radio button

            2) Load the new file (now an ordinary MPEG-2 file) into Flask - and convert to .AVI format

            Let us know of your success ;>}


            • funker
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2002
              • 6

              That worked insofar as I can encode it. But I seem to be having a problem with resolution. For some reason everything I've tried to encode the file with (DVD2AVI, Vidomi, TMPGE) is setting the resolution at 480x480- when I open the file in winDVD it is definitely not 480x480.. (the movie itself, minus the black on the top and bottom of the screen is 640x272, and is widescreen when the video is in fullscreen mode); this causes everything to be 'smashed' and enlongated vertically. When fullscreened at 480x480, as you can imagine, it doesn't look right at all.

              The closest to a fix I've gotten is 480x198 (which still isnt right) in Vidomi. There is some sort of 480 cap on the resolution, I simply cannot get anything to make it larger. Even when I set the width and height scale in pixels to 640x272, Vidomi output a 480x272 file. Is this because it's a VCD? It's driving me crazy and ruining the picture, as well as hurting the quality of the DV.

              Do you know how I can stop this 480x480 problem?

              I'm going to go if I don't get this thing working.

              funker vogt

              PS: thanks again for all your help!


              • funker
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2002
                • 6

                Well, I'm a retard.. it's 480x480 of course .. the problem was DVD2AVI was not working right (the video wasn't fullscreening the way it should.. ie: black on both edges).

                So anyway, it's working now. Heh, thanks again- your TMPGE suggestion fixed the bad MPEG2 format it was using.



                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  My pleasure ;>}

                  As I said in my previous post (plus a little addition):

                  "2) Load the new file (now an ordinary MPEG-2 file) into Flask - and convert to .AVI format" - and set the resolution towhatever you please.

