Newbie but goodie

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  • oaf357
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 2

    Newbie but goodie

    Well to start with I am slowing getting into DV editing.

    I've got FireWire and that's the platform I'll use to pull in the video.

    I'll be ordering a Canon ZR20 later this week. But I have MANY questions that I would die to get answered.

    1) What's the best software for DV editing? Not "newbie-ware" the BEST.

    2) What are some other "tools" i'll need for DV editing?

    3) Best tape manufacturer (miniDV format)?

    4) Good support sites?

    5) Any other comments would be greatly appreciated.

  • johnbmx4christ
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • Nov 2001
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    if you are on a pc..i think one is called avid....i use premier6...if you are on a mac it is final cut pro...i will get back to you about websites...there's tons and tons...i am self taught (kind of anyway) thanks to the internet, with different editing tools etc....i have also learned alot from this site but this site is not about editing.i hope you aint paying too much for the cam...i did a search and it seemed a bit much for what they give you..although canon is a good company. i got a sharp vl-wd450 for $399..i dont recommend it cause i dont know if its reliable yet.but i couldnt find yours for less than 450.i aint baggin' on you but look around in your price range and see if there's something better.also for your sound you should get a good microphone and dont use the one on the camera( no matter what kind of camera it is).and also for sound you should get a sound editing program such as cool edit or sound forge or cuebase or pro tools(listed from easy to pro)the sound editors that come in the video editors are kinda cheap and limited.i am about to build my first pc designed specifically for audio/video editing.i hope this helped a bit.
    Last edited by johnbmx4christ; 19 Feb 2002, 09:49 PM.
    john boy


    • Batman
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Jan 2002
      • 2317

      Great, you've got good technology. My advice would be to search the internet for video software. Try they review a lot of stuff. Depending, on your monetary situation, you can then best select the software for yourself. Adobe and Corel make lots of graphics software, and its possible your camera might include some. Depending on your needs, you can assess for yourself which software is best for you. Try some different softwares (you might be able to get trial versions).

      Videowave is popular, and its inexpensive. MGI has lots of video software, they are a good company with good graphics software, check out their website.


      • oaf357
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2002
        • 2


        That was a big help. Looking forward to some more info.


        • Batman
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2002
          • 2317

          Depending on your monetary limitations. Avid is a little know about company, whose software is used in Hollywood. It controls about 85% of the profesional market. However, their software is expensive tens-of thousands of dollars.

