Just another question/comment about WMA DRM

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  • slowgo
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2004
    • 1

    Just another question/comment about WMA DRM

    Hi All, New to Forums so please don't flame me for this... Recently I upgraded my OS from 98SE to XP Home on an old Dell XPS(850Mhz) after a few weeks I decided that My old pc wasn't up to snuff and I bought a new Dell 8300(3.0Ghz). Transfered all my files to the new pc (including "License's"-WMA DRM). Previous to swapping everything over to my new pc all my wma/wmv files played great, after swapping about 10% played and the rest say something to the effect that a license is required(The files in question were either bought outright or homemade not downloaded from any P2P source or rented) after much searching I located the means to re-acquire the license's from the latest places I had bought from(another 5%), since some of the media was done with Wmp 6(Drm2),I was able to recover some more files (another 20%)with an app I located at another site. Some files were unrecoverable because the sites I bought them from have either moved/closed down or I just plain forgot where I got them. The files that were bought /created after I installed XP and Wmp 9 are not recoverable due to the fact that they fall under Drm1.These files are now dead weight, It seems that when you buy something and it acquires the license it scans your hardware/software and makes it non-transferrable. Now I bought these files or made them myself and Just because I upgrade I can't take them with me? naw ain't happenning. (by way of explanation most of these files were where I "saved" my VCR tapes-including home videos of my kid's first steps-and albums and old 45's) Anybody who has ever taken the time to convert the media to disk knows that this is not an easy process, sure I can do it again but some of the albums are very old and I worked very hard to make the best backups I could. So yes I will Be looking for an alternative means of acquiring the license's for my material, Its mine, I bought it, and because I used WMP 9 to save it Now I can't access it? ...Heads Up... After I researched this I found that when you create wma/wmv with Wmp9 there is a place where you can un-check so it will not put DRM on the files you create/use... Now I realize the laws/rules about piracy are there for a reason but this is just plain stupid. As I have no desire to sell my files or share them there ought to be a way to recover what is rightfully mine, so any help would be appreciated...If not well "Sometimes your the Bug, Sometimes your the Windshield" again I'm new so forgive me if I have Violated any Rules, didn't mean to just wanted to ask for help and vent for a while, btw I really enjoy this forum so if you kick me off I'll still come to read lol Thanks slowgo
  • Antoninnio
    • May 2006
    • 2


    This topic was discussed here )

