Some newbie questions please help

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  • PSUfan11
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
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    Some newbie questions please help

    I have 2 programs downloaded one is CDR-Win and the other is TMPG. What I want to do is burn movies into VCD's so I can play them in my dreamcast. I have a boot disk already (which i bought). What I need to know are the basics to begin with. Where can I look for movie files? What format do they have to be in? Can I download the movie files and burn them directly? Remember I want to burn these games so they will play on a dreamcast system. if there is a link that could help post it please. If someone wants to help me by email list your email here and I will contact you.

  • 1 Smelly Fish
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    • Clarkbar
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2002
      • 12

      DC VCD's


      Hi, you can only play vcd's with your bootdisc. MP3's probably as well. There are a few places to download vcd's and they consist of newsgroups and private forums like KopyKatz. CDR-win is for burning the files, TMPeG is for conversions and cutting and merging. By the sounds of your post you are not ready for that yet. Make sure you first go to and read what a vcd is and then start reading how to make them. You may wish to consider buying a few vcd's off of either ebay or a website like or I have ordered from them both and they both are great sites. Probably the best thing you could do is find a friend who has some vcd's and have him make you a few copies so you can check them out. If you need further help I can try to answer your basic questions, I dont have a DC but I do have a playstation with the vcd card soldered inside. Email me


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        • Where can I look for movie files?

        Any filesharing programs, like Morpheus or mIRC.
        • What format do they have to be in?

        For the movie file to be "burnable" as VCDs, they have to comply with the MPEG-1 standard (basically, as .mpg files). However, the majority of movies found on the net nowadays are in DivX (.avi), so you will have to do some conversion work on them before you can hope to get your VCDs.
        • Can I download the movie files and burn them directly?

        A definite NO.
        As I said, you need to convert them to MPEG-1 compliant standard, which can be done with TMPGEnc. If you're not quite willing to learn its how-to (Not many do), I suggest you use Nero. It can automatically do the conversion for you,as long as the movie has an aspect ratio of 4:3. I've not had any success yet with 16:9 aspect ratio, but then again, I've only tried using it once.
        Last edited by Enchanter; 25 Feb 2002, 10:08 PM.

