Joining Multiple AVI Files using AVI Joiner

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  • JammerRules
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2005
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    Joining Multiple AVI Files using AVI Joiner

    Hey People,

    I am trying to join multiple (like 6 avi of about 600 MB)avi files with different parameter values like Codec, Framesize and Framerate using AVI Joiner and AVI Joiner is not at all happy with that and it startede complaining. Please help me how I can sync these files and join them into one big avi file. Please help me ASAP
  • LT. Columbo
    Demigod of Digital Video
    • Nov 2004
    • 10671

    to join them they will need to be the same, you have to recompress the video so they all match and if the frame rate is different, you will have to change that too...virtualdub/mod can do this. has nice guides for this too...
    "One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
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    • JammerRules
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2005
      • 12

      Hey columbo

      Can you please tell me simple steps to equalize the parameters using virtual dub... This is reallly realllly urgent for me. Please see my previsouly posted question !!

      Thanks much


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        Read similar previous questions (and answers) at:

        Last edited by setarip; 7 May 2005, 04:49 PM.


        • JammerRules
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2005
          • 12

          hey setarip,

          I have checked the link, but it was about joining avi files when there are all similar(in audio compression/frame rate etc). I have tried experimenting with Virtual Dub but I am severely failing which is why I started posting for help here and I find it not quite helping here. Can you atleast direct me to a post where someone askedd a similar question or some?? Please this has to be done ASAP


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            Sorry, I must have goofed somehow with regard to the "Search" link.

            I'm assuming that the RESOLUTION of all of your videos is the same:

            1) Load the first file into VirtualDub
            2) Set BOTH "Video" and "Audio" to Full Processing Mode"
            3) Set "Video" "Compression" and "Framerate" and "Audio" "Conversion" and "Compression" to the settings you want to apply to ALL of your to-be-joined .AVIs
            4) Click on "Save as .AVI", enter a new filename (e.g. "Movie 1 of 6.avi") and put a checkmark next to "Add operation to joblist and defer processing" - then click on "Save"
            5) WITHOUT CLOSING VirtualDub, Open the second file and repeat steps 1 and 4 ONLY.
            6) Repeat for each of the remaining files
            7) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Job control" - and click on "Start"


            • JammerRules
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2005
              • 12

              Hey Setarip

              Thanks much for the quick response! Those steps were really easy and I tried just the way you told me to do. But unfortunately, I could not join those avi files even after following your steps.Here is what I did:

              1. First off, about your assumption,I dont even know if my avi files are of smae resolution at all!!! So, me assumed that they were same and continued with yer steps.
              2. So then on, I opened the first avi file after selecting full processing mode and under
              video->compression->selected DivX 5.2.0 Codec(though I don't know if this is the good compression, I hope you know that I am noob )
              video->Framerate->selected change to 25.000 fps : I selected 25.000fps becuz when I saw the second file's "file information" it said 25.000fps
              3. For audio compression, I selected "No Compression" becuz I was not sure which could be best compression.
              4. For audio conversion, I set the sampling rate to 44100Hz( jus cuz the other file's sampling rate was also the same)
              5. After all this is set, I tried to append both of the files but only to get the ugly error message that they have different sample rate.
              I have attached the jpeg file for your information. Please help me here!!
              Attached Files


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                As I said, I was assuming that the RESOLUTION of all of your videos was the same - Unfortunately, the two "Info" screens you've posted clearly indicate that this is not the case - The first one is 320x240, the second is 352x256.

                I'm afraid that before you can append the files, you'll have to use VirtualDub's "Resize filter" to convert ALL of the .AVIs to 320x240...


                • JammerRules
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2005
                  • 12

         can I identically resize those files. I have searched for resize option under all the menus but could not find. Can you also tell me how to work with resizing???


                  • setarip
                    • Dec 2001
                    • 24955

                    "I have searched for resize option under all the menus but could not find."

                    Video>>Filters>>Add - Then scroll down to "Resize" and doubleclick on it...


                    • JammerRules
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2005
                      • 12

                      actually, yes sir! I found it soon after I hit the send button of my previous mail. Later, after adding the filter( which apparently is setting the frame size to be 320 by 240). I have changed the parameters of the two files to be identical and clicked on the "append avi segment" only to see yet another ugly message . This is really getting on my nerves man!!! Please look at the attachment


                      • JammerRules
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Mar 2005
                        • 12

                        For some bizarre reason I couldnt attach the error jpeg. here I am ...with the jpeg


                        • JammerRules
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Mar 2005
                          • 12

                          Here I try again to attach ....Bingo it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Attached Files


                          • setarip
                            • Dec 2001
                            • 24955

                            Carefully, RE-read my first posting to this thread:

                            3) Set "Video" "Compression" and "Framerate" and "Audio" "Conversion" and "Compression" to the settings you want to apply to ALL of your to-be-joined .AVIs

                            BEFORE you attempt to join any .AVIs, you first have to use VirtualDub to make each of them IDENTICAL in regard to both video and audio - and first save EACH of these modified new files with new filenames - and THEN close VirtualDub, re-open it, set both "Video" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copy" and THEN Load and Append these NEW, all identical, files and save with one brand new filename...
                            Last edited by setarip; 11 May 2005, 08:40 AM.


                            • lovejia
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 1

                              You can try this AVI joiner

