Hi, can somebody help me with my megui?

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  • ariefjuga
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 11

    Hi, can somebody help me with my megui?

    hi all, im newbie here,
    i see this forum would be helpfull to solve problem with digital media. And i have one problem of it.
    I using megui to convert my avi file into mkv, but somehow an error occure when it reaching job 2
    here is the log file:
    -[Information] [06/08/2009 0:10:23] Encoding started
    -[Error] An error occurred: x264 [error]: can't open output file `NUL'
    -[NoImage] Standard output stream
    -[NoImage] Standard error stream
    -[Information] [03/08/2009 0:56:45] Job completed
    i dont know what happen, but apparently, the problem is x264. Is it any mistake with my computer so x264 cannot running well in it? Because i try it many time and it not work at all. I try to install and reinstall it but nothing change.

    thanks for reading it my friend, all help would be appreciated

    best regard...
  • gonwk
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Dec 2005
    • 1500

    Hi arief,

    Just out of curiosity ... why are you converting from AVI to MKV ... usually most folks go from MKV to AVI!?!?

    But if I had to take a Shot in the dark ... I would do the following to start with installing Latest "avisynth", "ffdshow" and install "haali media splitter".

    But you could save yourself a lot of headache and just use ...

    SUPER Build 2009.36
    SUPER © Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer. A GUI to ffmpeg, mencoder, mplayer, x264, ffmpeg2theora & the theora/vorbis RealProducer

    Hope this was of some Help! Post back your results please!

    Last edited by gonwk; 9 Aug 2009, 08:09 AM.


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8967

      I've seen this error around a few times, but I've never experienced it myself and haven't see any real solution. Have you updated MeGUI to the latest version through the built in updater?

      Another thing to try is to save the output files to a simpler location, say c:\megui_files\ or something.

      All I found was this thread, which was for the same x264 error message, but under a different program (StaxRip):

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      • ariefjuga
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 11

        Originally Posted by gonwk
        Hi arief,

        Just out of curiosity ... why are you converting from AVI to MKV ... usually most folks go from MKV to AVI!?!?

        But if I had to take a Shot in the dark ... I would do the following to start with installing Latest "avisynth", "ffdshow" and install "haali media splitter".

        But you could save yourself a lot of headache and just use ...

        Hope this was of some Help! Post back your results please!

        about why i want to convert my avi into mkv, my friend told me that this kind of format can make my video in smaller size but with just a little loss in quality. I already see it my self that it is just like my friend said. But when i try to convert it my self, i just can't done it because the problem above appear.
        And about SUPER, i already try it and it's not satisfy me. I don't know if the setting i use is incorrect. Is that any setting that i can use as reference?
        thanx in advance

        Originally Posted by admin
        I've seen this error around a few times, but I've never experienced it myself and haven't see any real solution. Have you updated MeGUI to the latest version through the built in updater?

        Another thing to try is to save the output files to a simpler location, say c:\megui_files\ or something.

        All I found was this thread, which was for the same x264 error message, but under a different program (StaxRip):
        oh, maybe it will work if i change the output path. I'll try it
        The solution from forum.doom9 is worth to try too.

        Thanks to all of you . I'll tell the result as soon as i try it.


        • paglamon
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Aug 2005
          • 2126

          about why i want to convert my avi into mkv, my friend told me that this kind of format can make my video in smaller size but with just a little loss in quality
          Well, MKV and AVI are both containers. The quality of compression depends on the codec used, in your case,X264. Now, X264 encoded video can be put in an AVI container too and will look the same(at the same bitrate) as in an MKV container. But yes, MKV as a container has other advantages over AVI. On the other hand, AVI with DivX/XviD in it(but not x264) has the advantage of being able to be played in most standalone players.



          • ariefjuga
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 11

            Originally Posted by paglamon
            Well, MKV and AVI are both containers. The quality of compression depends on the codec used, in your case,X264. Now, X264 encoded video can be put in an AVI container too and will look the same(at the same bitrate) as in an MKV container. But yes, MKV as a container has other advantages over AVI. On the other hand, AVI with DivX/XviD in it(but not x264) has the advantage of being able to be played in most standalone players.
            oh, is that so? so it does not have to convert it to mkv just to make it smaller like i intend to do. But, there is any advantages and disadvantages about the container itself. And what about avi file with x264 in it, can it be played in most stand alone player? if it can't, then what's the point to keep it in avi? its just my curious because I'm still learning about the container and codec. Thanks to give me some perspective. i really appreciate it

            @ admin
            i already try your suggestion to replace the path of my output, but it does not do any good. The error still occur as it is. then i check out the solution from the forumdoom9 but i can't find the driver which is mentioned ("NULL" driver). How could it be? Is it any error in my computer. how to resolve it?


            • admin
              • Nov 2001
              • 8967

              The only other thing I can suggest is to download the x264.exe file manually (the link is for the 32-bit version) and replace it with the one in your MeGUI folder (usually found in C:\Program Files\megui\tools\x264\).

              Does all similar types of conversion give you the same error, or is it just this particular file?
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              • paglamon
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Aug 2005
                • 2126

                But, there is any advantages and disadvantages about the container itself.

                if it can't, then what's the point to keep it in avi?
                None. In fact ,x264 is better NOT kept in an avi. You can keep it in MKV or,preferably, mp4.
                The only advantage avi has is its standalone compatibility if encoded with Xvid/DivX.



                • ariefjuga
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 11

                  Originally Posted by admin
                  The only other thing I can suggest is to (the link is for the 32-bit version) and replace it with the one in your MeGUI folder (usually found in C:\Program Files\megui\tools\x264\).

                  Does all similar types of conversion give you the same error, or is it just this particular file?
                  so far, what i do is just trying to make conversion to mkv, i'm really "devote" my self to solve this problem. So, i forgot to try another type of conversion. you remind me to do so,
                  Okay, i will try to overwrite the x264 manually. i'll let you know later.

                  Originally Posted by paglamon
                  None. In fact ,x264 is better NOT kept in an avi. You can keep it in MKV or,preferably, mp4.
                  The only advantage avi has is its standalone compatibility if encoded with Xvid/DivX.
                  oh, so its like that. okay, i little bit understand now. It give me a grip about the container. I'll try to learn about it further more.


                  • admin
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 8967

                    Just remembered something that you can try if all else fails. First find out which version you have installed. If you have, then there's a new version that just became available to try here. If you're using, then try the 1053 version as well. You might need to download the latest <a href="http://www.divx-digest.com/software/x264.html">x264.exe</a> and manually replace the file as found under MeGUI/tools, as the new version has features that require the latest x264, but the built in updater won't update to the latest version.

                    If you had the 1052 or 1052 version originally, then uninstall it and download this older version. Then proceed to run the updater within the software to update to 1051 and try again to see if encoding works.

                    The reason is that the updater in the software only seems to update to 1051, and nothing beyond, despite 1052 and 1053 being released over the last few weeks. Either the 1052/1053 versions are not ready for public consumption, and so reverting to an older version may help. If you had the older version, then maybe the newer versions might have fixed the problem you encountered.
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                    • ariefjuga
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 11

                      The version that i have is 1051 version, but yesterday i already downloaded another newer version of x264 like you suggest to me. But it still cannot run properly. The error is still the same.
                      i'll try what you suggest to me above, hope it will work that way


                      • ariefjuga
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 11

                        Guys....Happily i inform you that my problem already solved. The problem is exactly the Null driver like written in forum.doom9 (Thanks For Admin )

                        And Finally i have found a way to install the Null driver properly. I found it in this site

                        Thanks for gonwk, Admin, and Paglamon, Thanks for your attention,..you guys are very helpfull


                        • admin
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 8967

                          Glad to be of help!
                          Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog

