Help i'm stoopid

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  • bluenose09
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
    • 1

    Help i'm stoopid

    Hi ive just got meself a sony mini dv camcorder, and have got some software with it to convert the movie into MPEG etc.. but the file size still seems massive.

    Wht if any is the best MPEG copression software and video editing software about.

    And where can i get hold of some

    Cheers Bluenose
  • benedict
    Lord of the 4th Estate
    • Jun 2002
    • 139

    Click on the "DivX Digest" link at the top of this page and then the "Software" link on that page. Move software and codecs there than you can shake a stick at. Also lots of good tutorials. And most of it is free.

    As to the best codec, whatever works for you. I use mostly DivX (v5 in my case), and that's probably a good place to start because you can get a lot of help with it here. In any case, aim for something easy (to you, at least) to start with. This stuff gets pretty deep pretty fast, and it'll definitely take you a while to come up to speed.

    Also, plan on experimenting. You'll be trying to strike a balance between quality and file size, and if you get it right the first time, you'll probably be the first one who ever did.

    It may look like I'm doing nothing, but actually, at a cellular level I'm quite busy.

