Hello there. I just need some help in finding two specific filters mentioned in Nicky Page's help page (Avisynth) and the links to Ligos Mpeg-2 Filter and WinDVD Audio Filter are broken. 
I've tried using VOB Filters but that was giving me multiple audio decoders (possibly for all 6 audio channels; two each filter) thus making viewing via Media Player 6.4 not acceptable.
It seems a file called "Mpg2splt.ax" (138Kb) is called upon when viewing VOB files in MP. Whenever I load a VOB file in MP, a warning window pops up with the message "This version testing date is expired" and then would play the VOB for 5 minutes before the audio cuts out. When I check PROPERTIES>ADVANCE>FILTERS IN USE, it's called MPEG 2 Splitter, and it has no configurations when I click on properties.
I guess it's just parsing the VOB contents and sending it to my Cyberlink PowerDVD filters (audio and video). But when I remove "mpg2splt.ax" from my system directory, MP just says "class not registered" when trying to open the VOB.
Anyway, I just need some help finding those two filters I've mentioned before, and a method of uninstalling the MPEG 2 Splitter filter manually (and I don't mean just deleting the sucker). I'm guessing I'd have to mess with my registry, right? Thanks for your time.

I've tried using VOB Filters but that was giving me multiple audio decoders (possibly for all 6 audio channels; two each filter) thus making viewing via Media Player 6.4 not acceptable.
It seems a file called "Mpg2splt.ax" (138Kb) is called upon when viewing VOB files in MP. Whenever I load a VOB file in MP, a warning window pops up with the message "This version testing date is expired" and then would play the VOB for 5 minutes before the audio cuts out. When I check PROPERTIES>ADVANCE>FILTERS IN USE, it's called MPEG 2 Splitter, and it has no configurations when I click on properties.
I guess it's just parsing the VOB contents and sending it to my Cyberlink PowerDVD filters (audio and video). But when I remove "mpg2splt.ax" from my system directory, MP just says "class not registered" when trying to open the VOB.
Anyway, I just need some help finding those two filters I've mentioned before, and a method of uninstalling the MPEG 2 Splitter filter manually (and I don't mean just deleting the sucker). I'm guessing I'd have to mess with my registry, right? Thanks for your time.