here come another 6 frames from van helsing once more
the encoder this time:
Hank315's latest HC 016 test release
Best Profile used
via rebuilder 1.0 rc 5.1 + matrix *very low bitrate*






first of all HC 016 test release ran absolutely fine and stable with dvd rebuilder 1.0 pro rc 5.1
my first impression on quality difference is this :
picture number 1 looks much better / less blocky with 016
picture number 2 more noise/blocks with 016 compared to 015 here
picture number 3 has slightly more mosquito noise with 016 than the one done with 015
picture number 4 is a problem: some areas look better with 016, others with 015
picture number 5 has less macroblocks with 016
016 looks a little better in these very frames; i.e. a little less blocky and a little more details
picture number 6 looks a little sharper with 015 / smoother with 016
i cannot really call one of the frames better than the other
all in all it is not possible for me to say i like 016 better than 015 or the other way around
sometimes 016 wins, sometimes it doesnt
the differences seem a bit coincidal to me and way more comparisons will have to be made
moreover, i think 016 was improved in different terms than quality
this is what hank315 said on the 016 test release:
concerning encoding time: 016 took 216 min for this title using BEST profile, which is a little faster than 015 was before, but i cannot remember if i used my pc for some time, when 015 was running
i will doublecheck this later on and repeat the encoding with 015 and same settings to be sure
all in all a very good impression of this test release
thanx very much, hank315, for providing it!
the encoder this time:
Hank315's latest HC 016 test release
Best Profile used
via rebuilder 1.0 rc 5.1 + matrix *very low bitrate*






first of all HC 016 test release ran absolutely fine and stable with dvd rebuilder 1.0 pro rc 5.1
my first impression on quality difference is this :
picture number 1 looks much better / less blocky with 016
picture number 2 more noise/blocks with 016 compared to 015 here
picture number 3 has slightly more mosquito noise with 016 than the one done with 015
picture number 4 is a problem: some areas look better with 016, others with 015
picture number 5 has less macroblocks with 016
016 looks a little better in these very frames; i.e. a little less blocky and a little more details
picture number 6 looks a little sharper with 015 / smoother with 016
i cannot really call one of the frames better than the other
all in all it is not possible for me to say i like 016 better than 015 or the other way around
sometimes 016 wins, sometimes it doesnt
the differences seem a bit coincidal to me and way more comparisons will have to be made
moreover, i think 016 was improved in different terms than quality
this is what hank315 said on the 016 test release:
One of the things that have been changed is the way avs scripts are handled, hope this will solve the crashes some people report.
Also the MV range will be fully MPEG compliant again so the blocky playback on some HW players will be solved.
Also the MV range will be fully MPEG compliant again so the blocky playback on some HW players will be solved.
i will doublecheck this later on and repeat the encoding with 015 and same settings to be sure
all in all a very good impression of this test release
thanx very much, hank315, for providing it!
