Setting the DAR in a VCD

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  • Daijoubu
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 3

    Setting the DAR in a VCD

    I've been searching for hours and haven't found a answer yet.
    I have a 352x240 VCD compliant MPEG-1 file that should be playback in 16:9 aspect ratio

    I don't want to re-encode it in letterbox

    Is there a way to set the DAR in order for a DVD Player to automaticly add black border while displaying in a 4:3 TV? (I'm aware that not all DVD Player support the DAR)

    When i open a .dat file, BSPlayer knows about the right aspect ratio to use

    Any help will be appeciated (except telling me to Virtualdub it )
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "Is there a way to set the DAR in order for a DVD Player to automaticly add black border while displaying in a 4:3 TV?"

    As far as I know, standalone DVD players will only display VCDs in their encoded format...

    "I don't want to re-encode it in letterbox"
    "Any help will be appeciated (except telling me to Virtualdub it)"

    You don't leave many options for helping you (It could be re-done rather easily in TMPGEnc - but that would entail re-encoding)...
    Last edited by setarip; 2 Jul 2003, 02:28 PM.


    • Thingy
      • May 2003
      • 70

      DVD-players just ignore AR-flags in vcd/svcd. if you don't have a tv-set capable of showing 16:9 you should just reencode the video to include the black bars.
      - The question is: Why?

