Please help, heres my deal, i got an apex 1110w i burned a sample file from with CDRWIN my dvd read the cd but didnt play it the screen was just black. whats the best softwear to use to make a svcd for the apex to read.... i really need help i wasted like 5 cds trying to get this right lol, any help would be great......
Help please
yeh ive tried befor never works i used TMPGEnc last night worked fine but i got a problem, im trying to burn the oldschool dvd rip in avi format, i converted in TMPGEnc but it never finished i got this screen that says theres an error in the TMPGEnc module and all that, what is the problem?Comment
What does,
"yeh ive tried befor never works i used TMPGEnc last night worked fine but i got a problem, im trying to burn the oldschool dvd rip in avi format, i converted in TMPGEnc but it never finished i got this screen that says theres an error in the TMPGEnc module and all that, what is the problem?"
have to do with,
"Please help, heres my deal, i got an apex 1110w i burned a sample file from with CDRWIN my dvd read the cd but didnt play it the screen was just black."