I just recently fixed all of my problems w/ my 9700 aiw. I had some remote problems and such, but I'm back for another try now that they're fixed. The problem that I am having is finding a decent looking resolution/picture that I can record and put onto a VCD/DVD if needed. The DVD format that is selected automatically is an MPEG-2 format and it is simply huge. I had been having trouble decoding it w/ divx if it was a large file. I decoded a file w/ divx today, but it was only a test piece 1:11 sec long. It took it from 71.4 Mb down to 7.something. I was noticing that there are a bunch of different formats to choose from, but which is a bearable format to watch on my Television if want to? Should i put it into VCD w/ TMPGenc or how do people basically go about making a vcd. I know this is sort of broad but I'm pretty lost as where to start.
Help me out, MPEG-2 -> ?