Quality issues and other questions

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  • Clicker666
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 8

    Quality issues and other questions

    I recorded an episode of Survivor 4 in Picvideo JPEG format, quality 18, 640x480 resolution with a 64 k stereo WMA2 audio stream. The resulting file was about 7 gigs after commercial editing, and suprisingly the audio was all in sync.

    So, I tossed it into TMPGEncode, and using the settings on vcdhelp's make an mpeg2 page ran it. Went to work, came home and I had a nice little 840 meg file. Set Nero to overburn my file on an 800 meg CD as a SVCD and burned away. Completed, no problems.

    Tossed it in my DVD player - lots of little blocks on high motion scenes, and the audio disappeared after about two minutes never to return.

    Any ideas to what I have done wrong? Do I need to use a file as large as 640x480 to make my show? I see the dimensions of the SVCD are 480x480, but I don't have an option to match. Nearest is 480x360.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Try using TMPGEnc with it's SVCD template/wizard rather than the VCDHelp settings for MPEG2. Use NERO ONLY to BURN as SVCD (not to format your file, which will already be in SVCD format). The file may prove to be too large for one CD-R, so you'll have to split the file in two, using TMPGEnc:

    Make certain to set mode to MPEG2-SuperVideoCD

    Let us know of your success ;>}

