Ok I hope you can help me. I just converted AVI file to a MPEG-1 and burned it as a VCD. The whole entire first disc is okay, on the first disk has a few quick pauses or the screen will move realy fast for an extremely breif moment. Now the major problem I am having is on the 2nd disc is that while watching the movie (in a stand alone DVD player) towards the end of the movie the audio and the picture donnot match up and then it is okay after about 1-2 minutes. I wanna know what might be the reason for this. If this might help you answere my question I used TmpgEnc to convert and split and Nero to burn. I hope you can help Thx a bunch. Except for the guy with his head being smashed in should be my computer.
Problems with finalized VCD
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How is you mpg-file when you just play it on your computer? (Not the VCD, just the file with the whole movie).
If your sound is then alraeady screwed, I suggest you just re-encode, that's the easiest (but also the longest solution).
If the audio ain't screwed on your pc, just split again and try again. I also sometimes have (small) problems with the VCD's. If the problem is still is occuring then, I don't know. Maybe the wrong bitrates or something, I don't know.Still standing... ...also after the forumcrash ) -
You may also want to extract the Audio from the AVI using AVI2WAV or another program. This was when you go back into TMPGEnc To do the encoding "under the "audio" area click browes and search for the .wav file you have just extracted.
Pick where the location of the .avi is and like i said the location of the .wav and then the destination of the final .mpg
that should solve the problems with the audio
WiLd ViRuS
Thnx 2 both ya! They were alreay split and I checked part 2 (where I was haveing problems) Could it be that when I burned it it screwed up? Should I maybe try to reburn it? My audio and my video for my Mpeg are fine (on my computer) Thnx again for your help.Comment
Which program are you using too burn?
I would use Nero Burning ROm with the latest update Thats the one i use and have no problems.
Is the compliant thing checked in Nero?? If it is and it says "streaming" then this would cause the synch problems which you usually get when splitting an mpg.
You're probably making an XVCD and don't even realize it. You can test this by goint to a certain time and the display indicates a time previous to the one you entered. Even if it's off by only a minute, it's still an XVCD. Solution: by a better DVD player that handles XVCD's which are non-compliant.