When I encode avi to mpg using TMPGenc sometimes when I use a file with a very big frame rate, the playing time doubles. (At least that's waht tmpgenc says) I know the problem won't appear when I use files with a smaller frame rate, but they're not always avail;able. Is there a way to reduce the frame rate or to convert the file with its orignal frmae rate. This is so crap. Help me out guys!
Playing time problem
Chances are your .AVI contains a Variable Bit Rate (VBR) MPEG Layer 3 (.MP3) audiostream.
Simply use VirtualDub to save the audio stream as an Uncompressed PCM (WAV) file as follows:
Load your original .AVI into VirtualDub
From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save WAV" (Enter a new filename with a ".WAV" extender).Click on "OK".
You can now load your .AVI and .WAV files into TMPGEnc.
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