.cue file plays back too fast

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  • toka_shigazu
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 24

    .cue file plays back too fast

    i have a .cue file that i mount on a daemon virtual drive, i try to play it using the latest Powerdvd and it seems to play too fast. it is meant to be half a movie and is 600mb in size, but when pdvd tries it registers just 1.45min and the audio and video are disjointed, it seems to jump from frame to frame with just a snippet and then on to the next.
    not sure how to resolve this as never had this problem, i think i have the latest codecs installed.
    please any info will help.
  • gd_nimrod
    • Nov 2002
    • 1128

    Is it a KVCD by any chance? Powerdvd has problems playing those...and recognizes the wrong time...

    Have you tried updating your powerdvd version?
    Did you know you can SEARCH the forum? Fixes common problems too:

    Also search on the whole Digital-Digest website:


    • toka_shigazu
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2002
      • 24

      thanks for the reply. i think its an svcd, i have attached the details from virtualdubmad... it plays ok on Windows Media player but with no sound, but as soon as i try to use any of the mediaplayer buttons, ie fastforward or increase the volume the program crashes.
      i am in the process of splitting and reencoding the film using virtualdubmod t osee if i can get anywhere, it seems to run ok for some settings but does give certain errors if i try to direct copy the film.
      i do have the latest patched version of powerdvd5 and i think all the newest codecs.

      any other help would be appreciated.
      Attached Files


      • shiny#3
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Jul 2003
        • 1000

        it may also be that you have some burning routines
        of roxio installed in your system...deamon tools does
        interfere with them....

        those routines may have sneaked in with the burning
        capabilities of windows media player ore jukebox
        or similar programs.....

        if so mount your image with alcohol 120% or get rid
        of these burning routines if you want to stick to deamon tools.(you can also try to load the bin file directly not the cue)

        then extract the video from the virtual drive again....

        if you have a proper mpeg2 codec installed use
        bsplayer or "mv2 player" to play back your video....
        (availabel in softwaresection --> players at
        Digital Digest DivX Xvid Section - List of recommended, top 10 DivX, Xvid and AVI articles, guides and software, latest news and updates


        • toka_shigazu
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2002
          • 24

          many thanks, loading the bin file direct seems to have worked !!!

          does that mean as you suspected that some roxio files have been introduced on my system? if so do you know where i can find them to get rid... i have had previous problems with roxio on another computer and so delibrately avoid it, if there may be files on my system i would welcome any help to rid myself of them.



          • shiny#3
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Jul 2003
            • 1000

            nero offers a tool called the clean pack.....
            this checks your system for burning drivers installed to your system...check the nero homepage for that....
            (the registry checker is the thing you need of this pack)
            Last edited by shiny#3; 17 Oct 2003, 06:44 PM.


            • toka_shigazu
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2002
              • 24

              thanks again,

              just out of interest i have just installed that latest nero patch for nero 5 and suddenly when trying to burn any files over 600mb i get a message that the medium is too small and it ejects my 700mb disc. i cant seem to get round this problem, do you know of any issues here or similar problems?
              i didnt have a problem until i installed the latest update so i may uninstall it but that seems like a backward step??


              • shiny#3
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Jul 2003
                • 1000

                this sounds strange to me but regraded my nero6
                to and have not met this problem so far....
                maybe there is a bugfix for your latest nero version
                or the overburn patch for nero 5.5 will help you....

