Jerky Video on VCD

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    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 4

    Jerky Video on VCD

    I just stumbled on this site so I thought I might as well try my luck to seek help here.

    I have used Ulead Mediastudio Pro 6/6.5 and Movie factory 1.0, to
    author my handycam videos. So I have a few GB of MPEG-1 PAL VCD format videos. I have successfully created a VCD all perfect and of excellent quality. But then I hit a very strange problem which plague me ever since. The subsequent 15 VCDs that I have created have video/audio that jerks (with blocks) every few seconds. That frustrates me a hell lot as I have spent a lot of time putting special effects on all the clips. I even tried using the the same video clips from the perfect VCD I created earlier and still get the same problem! Note that all the video clips are playing okay if view on the PC, even the ones on the burnt VCD.

    I have re-installing the software, used a different brand CD-R, play on a different stand-alone VCD player, used a different computer to perform the process, used a different external CD-RW, used NERO software instead but STILL the problem REMAINS! I have done checks on the video format but still the problem persists. Even as an IT professional, I am at lost on what can be wrong.
  • seeker
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 10


    I am also new to this site. Your problem seems challenging because you have already done so many "right" things that should have helped diagnose the problem, if not solve it. It is interesting that your first VCD was good and that subsequent VCDs all had defects in playback.

    I won't presume at this time to know either the cause or the solution of the problem. But I do have a comment or two, and a few questions. You mentioned that you used "Movie factory 1.0" and by that do you mean Ulead's DVD Movie Factory? I am assuming for the sake of argument that your answer is "Yes" to that question. Since you used both DVD Movie Factory and Nero to burn defective VCDs, your experience does not implicate DVD Movie Factory as a "burner".

    However, I am curious about a couple of things in your use of DVD Movie Factory. In reference to the DVD Movie Factory PDF, in Step 19 (Playback Simulation), did you do a playback simulation and, if you did, were there no defects observable at that stage?

    In Step 21 (Determine Output Options Settings) does your CD-RW drive support burn-proof and if so, did you consistently select it as an Output Option? What recording speed did you specify and did that change between your "good" VCD and the subsequent defective ones? A common suggestion is to suggest a lower recording speed if problems occur. Another usual suggestion is to eliminate competing tasks before starting the "burn".

    -- seeker --


      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2002
      • 4

      Yes, I used Ulead DVD Movie factory 1.0. In fact I find that it is an excellent software. Certainly, the playback simulation does not SHOW any problems at all. Similarly, using Windows media to show the video clip on the CD-R is perfectly okay but problems occur on the stand-alone VCD player.

      Imagine, the EXACT SAME video clip ABC burnt on the CD-R, can yield different results, that is, one with no jerkiness and one which is perfect. The ONLY difference I know about is the OTHER video clips that I burnt along with the clip ABC. My other observation is that on the same CD-R, there can be video clips that are okay and some are jerky. So this essentially rule out problems with the hardware problem,brand etc i.e CD WRITER, CD-R, VCD player. Yes, I have tried a different recording speed. And yes, there are no other concurrent tasks that may even remotely possibly affect the burning process. No, my CD-Writer does not support burn-proof option but I don't think this is the cause.

      My greatest suspicion lies on the data rate, format even though I cannot pinpoint exactly what. I have already more than 15 coasters.

      Anyway, I am glad that someone reply. Things that happened this way demoralises you, it's good to know someone tries to help.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "My other observation is that on the same CD-R, there can be video clips that are okay and some are jerky.So this essentially rule out problems with the hardware problem,brand etc i.e CD WRITER, CD-R, VCD player"

        That certainly DOESN'T rule out the possibility that your standalone has a problem reading burned (not commercial) VCDS at different points on the media. I have one standalone that gets "cranky" at about 40 minutes and then again around 60 minutes...


        • TOOTHPICK
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2002
          • 4

          Well, I have tried playing on 3 different reliable VCD stand alone player which they all skip periodically every 6-7 seconds. Besides, they play all other CDs okay. Hence, hardware problem can be completely ruled out.


          • seeker
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Mar 2002
            • 10


            OK, now I am suspecting the disks themselves. Are all of your CD-Rs that you have made so far the same brand? Was your "good" VCD on the same brand of blank CD-R as the "bad" ones? I know you have already tried one different brand of CD-R, but you might want to experiment with several different brands of CD-Rs.

            Also, have you tried doing one of your VCDs on a CD-RW blank? I know they cost more and you probably wouldn't want to make a practice of putting your VCDs on CD-RWs, but I am just suggesting an experiment.

            -- seeker --


            • joecross98
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 23

              I have the same problem

              I tried my burnt SVCDs on a few different standalone players that are reported to work fine, so I am currently trying different media and bit rates.

              If you find the solution, or I do, please post it here for all to see.



              • seeker
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Mar 2002
                • 10

                Disk blank selection can affect playback

                Hi all,

                Continuing with my theme that the disks themselves could be a factor in these playback problems, the following is quoted from page 248 of "Digital Video! I Didn't Know You Could Do That..." by Erica Sadun, Sybex 2001,

                [begin quote]

                "Here are a few rules of thumb for media compatibility:

                CD-RWs work best. More DVD Players support CD-RW playback than CD-R playback. However, CD-RW blanks cost more than CD-R blanks and use a more expensive recording device.

                Check the Internet. As with format support, media compatibility has been widely researched by hobbyists. Stop by and see what results people have found for your particular DVD player.

                Match the make. Wherever possible, purchase blank discs produced by the DVD player's manufacturer. Manufacturers streamline their media to work well in their own product line. For example, when using a Sony DVD player, consider purchasing Sony CD-R blanks."

                [end quote]

                -- seeker --


                • joecross98
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jan 2002
                  • 23

                  Good idea!

                  I'm coming to think that it is the actual player. I've tried HP CDRW and a few other top-brand media and had mixed results. The CDRW worked fine in my ancient Panasonic A100, but was jerky in the brand new RV32!?!

                  I've burned a new movie to HP CDRW and a friend is trying it on his JVC "Blue Light" player. I'll let you know how it goes...



                  • Jester1984
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 3

                    problem fixed

                    i came accross the site a while ago with the same problem as you i had a look at the post for your problem and someone said to copy on cd-rw's and i did that and every thing was fine but that wasn't enough i wanted to know why that was and i figured out that it doesn't jerk and do stupid stuff when you burn it onto a slow speed such as 1x, 2x or 4x so i burn all my movies a 2x and am happily enjoying perfect VCD quality on my "backups"

                    have fun


                    • joecross98
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jan 2002
                      • 23

                      Solution Found!

                      This may not be the solution for everyone, but it has worked AWESOME for me!

                      I bought an Apex 1500 at KMart for $99 and I have zero problems with playback. I don't care for the MP3 interface, but I'll get over it since it is the ONLY player I have found that plays EVERY disk I put in it, regardless of media, origin, bitrate, VCD/SVCD, CDRW/ doesn't seem to matter.

                      I went to an electronics store and tried various media and disc formats on the DVD players there and NONE of them played everything I put in it except the Apex machines!

                      I would suggest that you stop beating your head against the wall trying to figure out how to use your player and get a cheap one that plays whatever you have/make...



                      • KETAN
                        • May 2002
                        • 85

                        SVCD with jerky playbck

                        Hi TOOTHPICK,
                        At last could youresolve your problem?
                        I am also having a tough time playing SVCD with jerky play. If you have any solution please post it. I need to know whether there is a problem with my creation or my standalone?

