XVID -> DVD problem.

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  • DJBenz
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 5

    XVID -> DVD problem.

    I hope this is the right place to post this question.

    I have a XViD file which I am trying to convert to DVD. The avi plays perfectly in PowerDVD all the way through. I have used the guide at vcdhelp.com to get the correct settings for TMPGEnc to handle XViD files.

    So, I strip out the audio as an uncompressed WAV using VirtualDub and then set TMPGEnc away encoding with the avi as video source and the WAV as audio source. Everything is perfect, audio in sync etc. until about half way through the movie when the video freezes, but the audio continues. I tried a couple of times and it is always the same point in the movie where the freeze appears during encoding.

    I have the Koepi XViD codec last updated Thursday, 07.03.2002, 21:30h CET.

    Any ideas?
  • DJBenz
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 5

    Bit more Info : If I run VDub and do "Video" -> "Scan for errors" at the point in question it throws up this error :

    Internal Error : MMX State Left on. T:\projects\Virtualdub_old\main\videosource.cpp:11 01

    Any ideas?


    • DJBenz
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2002
      • 5

      Well, thanks for the overwhelming deluge of replies.

      I managed to fix the problem myself.



      • SteamBird505
        • Aug 2002
        • 51

        X-Vid is more trouble than its worth

        glad you solved the problem.... will you share the method you employed to do so ..because I too have problems with X-Vid

        beats me why they want to use it and if they must least they could do is inform we lesser mortals on how to maintain our scant knowledge to create a simple VCD


        • DJBenz
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2002
          • 5

          Well, pretty simple really I just ran the avi through AviFixed whuch can be downloaded Here.

          Seems that just one or two corrupt frames can mess up the encoding big time. I've run 2 avi's through this prog now, both with the same problem, one was DiVX 4, one was XViD and they both went through TMPGEnc perfectly.




          • pele1
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2002
            • 1


            I have the exact same problem. Tried the fix you suggested and it only partially fixed the problem. Still have a video freeze of a few seconds in the same spot and the audio is now out of sync. Any ideas?
            Last edited by pele1; 11 Dec 2002, 03:27 AM.

