I just downloaded a bunch of movies that I want to burn to CD-R's, but some of them are too big. I have Powerdirector Pro, but I cannot figure out how to cut the movie in two. Can soemone please help me with this? Is there an easier way to do this? I got a DVD-burner last Xmas, but Pioneer had so many issues with it that I had to take it back cuz it wouldn't work. I tried to covert some of the smaller ones with Nero, but it said something was coded wrong. I am trying to do this as easy as possible. Thanks!
Splitting & Burning
I am trying to make them into VCD so i can play them on my DVD player downstairs. I had to move my computer upstairs and don't have enough cable to plug my video card into the TV up there, so I thought if I could burn them to CD-R's and play them downstairs, that would be the best. I know already that my Sony DVD player will play VCD. I think it plays MPEG-1 also, and it does read CD-R's. Thanks!Comment
Splitting with VirtualDub or NanDub
1)Load your original (DivX-compressed or otherwise) .AVI into VirtualDub or NanDub
2) Set BOTH "Video" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copying"
3) From the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "Set Selection Start"
4) Move slider to approximate halfway point
5) From the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "Go to next keyframe"
6) From the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "Set Selection End'
7) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save as AVI" - Save as a new filename (e.g. "Movie1of2.avi").
8) From the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "Set Selection Start"
9) From the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "Move to End"
10) From the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "Set Selection End"
11) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save as AVI" - Save as a new filename (e.g. "Movie2of2.avi").Comment