Help Please Vcd Probs!!

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  • seanandjilluk
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2003
    • 48

    Help Please Vcd Probs!!

    HI everyone, this is a great forum and I have learnt so much already!! but i am stuck..................!

    I have My big fat greek wedding in avi format, (700mb) I have split this into two files (350mb each), still avi

    I used nero to encode and burn into vcd but pic was upside down, read forum and tryed encoding using TMPGEnc v2.59.47.155, this got the picture back but no sound!!(and there was a slight pause in the picture every couple of seconds )

    I tweaked a few settings and i managed to encode keeping it at widescreen format 16:9 and having sound but when I went to burn with nero it says it needed to be encoded again.

    What I would like to do is encode it to be able to put on svcd, the film is only 95 mins long so it should fit on two cdrs
    I would like the quality to be the best I can get out of it!

    Any help would be gratefully recieved!!!!
    Last edited by seanandjilluk; 26 Jan 2003, 02:26 AM.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "I tweaked a few settings and i managed to encode keeping it at widescreen format 16:9 and having sound but when I went to burn with nero it says it needed to be encoded again."

    When you select the VideoCD (or SuperVideoCD) icon in NERO, click on the "VideoCD" tab and UNcheck the box labelled "Create standard compliant CD"...


    • seanandjilluk
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2003
      • 48

      ill give it a try will post results shortly..........


      • seanandjilluk
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2003
        • 48

        Results as promised......
        Pic Quality is great,and at proper size although still a little jerky?

        But no sound again!!!

        Can anyone provide some step by steps maybe by pm (icq or msn)
        Once this works itll be great!!


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          "But no sound again!!!"

          Unchecking the "compliant" box in NERO cannot have changed whether you have audio. Therefore:

          1) Load the .AVI file into VirtualDub or NanDub

          2) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "File Information"

          3) Post (here) EVERYTHING you see (both video and audio information), or post a screen capture .jpg of the information box

          The audiostream is probably in either .AC3 format or Variable Bitrate MPEG Layer 3 (VBR .MP3).

          If it proves to be .AC3:

          In TMPGEnc, under the "Environmental Settings" "VFAPI plugin" tab rightclick on the "Direct Show Multimedia Reader" and increase to the highest priority. This will enable TMPGEnc to accept a properly encoded .AVI with .AC3 audio for input...

          If it proves to be VBR:

          Converting .AVIs with VBR-MP3 Audio

          Simply use VirtualDub to save the audio stream as an Uncompressed PCM (WAV) file as follows:
          Load your original .AVI into VirtualDub
          From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save WAV" (Enter a new filename with a ".WAV" extender).Click on "OK"
          Then set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copying"
          Then save the .AVI as a silent .AVI (set "Audio" to "No audio" after you've saved the WAV file).
          Open TMPGEnc and "drag and drop" the silent .AVI onto it, then do the same with the .WAV file

          To create a VCD:

          1) Load .AVI file into TMPGEnc
          2) Set to "System Video and Audio" (lower right side)
          3) Click on "Setting" radio button
          4) Click on "System" tab, change mode to "MPEG1-VideoCD" (from default of "MPEG1")
          5) Click on "Advanced" tab, change "Video arrange method" to "Center (Custom Size"), change dimensions to 352x288 or 352x240
          6) Change "Source aspect ratio" to either "4:3 525 line (NTSC 704x480)", "4:3 525 line (NTSC)", or "16:9 525 line (NTSC)" - If you're in the PAL world choose either of the two similar PAL settings instead
          7) Under the "Video" tab, change the dimensions to 352x288 or 352x240 (Note: "Video" tab mode of "MPEG1" is okay) - set "Motion Search Precision" to "Normal Quality". Change the "Aspect Ratio" to match, as closely as possible, the "Source Aspect Ratio" you set under the "Advanced" tab.
          8) Change "Rate Control Mode" to "Automatic VBR (CQ_VBR)"
          9) Under the "Audio" tab, set to 44,100 224Kbps
          10) Press "Start"

          Note that if your video runs longer than 70-80 minutes, you'll have to subsequently split your VCD-MPG file in two. This too can be easily and precisely accomplished using TMPGEnc. Under the "Files" dropdown menu, click on "MPEG Tools" and select the "Merge & Cut" tab. Once again, make sure to change the mode to "MPEG1-Video CD". Load your file and enter a new (.MPG) name in the "Output file" box. Then doubleclick on the ORIGINAL file's name in the window, which will bring you to the cutting area. Select your desired start and end points for the first half, click on "Okay" which will bring you back to the first window and generate (in a sequence of three automated steps) the first new file. To create the second new file, repeat the steps starting with "Then doubleclick on the ORIGINAL..." (be extra patient with the second half, as the program has to do more seeking to establish the beginning of the new file).

          Use a burning program, such as NERO to burn your CD-R or R/W CD as a VCD (DON'T ask NERO to format the file as a VCD, since you've already accomplished this!)


          • seanandjilluk
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2003
            • 48

            I shall follow the steps and reply soon, thanks for your help!!


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              "thanks for your help!!"

              My pleasure ;>}


              • seanandjilluk
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jan 2003
                • 48

                Got virtualdub but wen i put the vid in itcomes up with the attached message.

                Codec probs then........more help??
                Many thanks
                Attached Files


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  You need to download and install the Xvid (NOT DivX) video codec...


                  • seanandjilluk
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Jan 2003
                    • 48

                    Any suggestions for a quick download ive been lookin about i think i know where to get it but it might be quicker if you know somewhere for sure maybe post a link or sumthing??
                    cheers m8


                    • setarip
                      • Dec 2001
                      • 24955

                      It can't be any faster than clicking on the DivXDigest (NOT DVD Digest) link at the top of this page ;>}


                      • seanandjilluk
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2003
                        • 48

                        oh dear my poor dumb ass
                        under the xvid codec downloads theres 7 links
                        do u know which will be the one i need oh wise one!!!

                        also will downloading this codec affect any others?
                        ie does this take the place of any others i have or is it like the more codecs you have the more options u got??

                        Thanks again!!!!!11


                        • setarip
                          • Dec 2001
                          • 24955

                          "under the xvid codec downloads theres 7 links"

                          Try the first one (Be brave ;>})

                          "does this take the place of any others"

                          Nope - it's entirely different...

                          (Say hello to Jill - or Sean ;>})


                          • seanandjilluk
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Jan 2003
                            • 48

                            downloaded codec no probs there loaded file into virtualdub and i get this message (attached) still lets me load file

                            is this message important??

                            ps. jill says hi!
                            Attached Files


                            • seanandjilluk
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Jan 2003
                              • 48

                              hi are you still about dont leave me know were almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

