Audio/Video desynhronisation Problem

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  • orionbg
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2001
    • 4

    Audio/Video desynhronisation Problem

    Hi to all.
    After finaly been able to convert the audio and video streams of the PowerVCR II v3.0 and then joining them into one file, the sound is not synhronised with the video?!?!?
    Do you know how to make them equal leight?
  • abdul
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 281

    Have you already read through Nicky's tutorial on how to fix "out of sync"
    Basicly two possibilities
    A: displaced audio
    B: streched audio
    the tutorial is about how to correct them both

    My 2 cents:
    Sometimes when the audio and video are out of synch it is because of your player-system combination

    Use a player which comsumes not so much processor power (like BS-Player)
    Also don't run the movie from a (less then) 500MHz system
    Also don't run the movie from a cd-rom
    And one more (i promise ) try joining with Nandub iso Virtual Dub -you never know)

    If you've tried all this then read the tutorial and i'm sure you can solve your problem

    Hope this helps a little

