more xvid2mpg1/2 woes

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  • beamifrend
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
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    more xvid2mpg1/2 woes

    Firstly, I've read all the posts in this forum and i'd like to say what a helpful and courteous bunch you are. None of us are born with knowledge and i applaud you for realizing this. And without mentionong any names, there are some pretty damn clever guys and gals here. Do any of you work in the film industry? You should! Right, enough ass kissing, here's my problem:

    I've had excellent results with tmpegenc, virtualdub and nero creating dvds vcds and svcds from divx files. Had a learning curve sure, but after a couple of years it all seems pretty straightforward. Any probs i get i can fix. Then xvid comes along and now i feel like a rank amateur again. What is so fundamentally different with xvid encoded files that make it impossible for me to make an mpeg?

    Are all the progs i mentioned still waiting to be compatible with xvid? Ive got the ace codec pack, old and new versions of everything but i still can't get audio and video out of these xvids to work in sync. Virtualdub doesn't even let ac3 audio get done at all.

    As an example, and a tutorial for me, could someone take me through converting the Red Dragon DVD Screener xvid, with ac3 sound into a dvd compliant mpeg. I'll get any new progs i need to help me out. I'll be forever endebted to you!
  • Ndb
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 220

    NanDub (a mod of VirtualDub) can mux AC3 audio.

    You must make sure you have the AC3 codec and XViD codec installed (Nimo whatever)

    In TMPGenc go to enviromental setting - VFAPI Plugin and move DirectShow........Reader priority to about 2 or 3 (right click it and choose "Higher Priorty") and all should be fine.



    • beamifrend
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 2

      Well, I'm still waiting for the finished mpeg, but looking at an aborted clip, it seems to be fine. Moving the directshow up to 3 seems to have fixed it. How could I have possibly known to try that! Nandub was a bit of a loss, kept saying it couldn't determine the audio output, so i may have a sync problem toward the end still, but you've cracked the main problem. I bow in your general direction xxx


      • Ndb
        Super Member
        Super Member
        • Mar 2002
        • 220

        I'm glad your sorted )

        As to Nandub, I think you are trying to save out the audio to say wave/mp3 etc. For that it's best to use BeSweet.

        I only use Nandub to mux an already ripped AC3 with an XViD or DiVX movie (i.e. just video no sound) to create an XViD with AC3 audio etc etc.

