problem compressing XVID in After Effects

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  • solidox
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 2

    problem compressing XVID in After Effects


    I have a problem compressing with XVID in After Effects and maybe you could help me.
    I have the following codecs installed: DirectX 9(yeah, i know it's not a codec but..), DivXTotal Pack, Matrox Software Codec 3.1.0, VFAPI Reader Codec 1.05, Divx4.12, Xvid, ffdshow, in that order.

    Attached screen shots w/ explanation
    Attached Files
  • solidox
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 2

    Sorry, here's the BLACK text info
    Attached Files

