audio won't sync :(

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  • McMillan
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 45

    audio won't sync :(

    I've a problem with sound wich was originally vbr mp3;
    2 CD joined and reencoded to fit on one;
    Sound is synced at first, than, slowly looses sync and at the end of the movie (IT, S.King 3hrs) it's about few second faster.
    Vdub says that the frame rate can be changet to fit sound (25.004) but I don't think that it would do the trick.
    Audio sync was OK on the original cd's, though.
    Why is this happening with vbr mp3? why even use this (vbr mp3) if it creates problems? Any ideas on how to fix this?
    I was thinking about streching the audio to fit the time of the video, but it would take really long...
    If anyone has any idea..... I'm out
    ...this MIGHT not be the best picture that I have...
  • chickeneater
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Apr 2002
    • 672

    What I would do is in Nandub:

    1) Load the file into Nandub

    2) Set both audio and video settings to "direct stream copy"

    3) File-->Save wav

    4) save wav with a new file (put a *.wav extension)

    5) Restart Nandub and load the file into it

    6) audio-->wav audio...-->open your new wav file

    7) Set both audio and video settings to "direct stream copy"

    8) Test playing your audio in nandub and see if that is how you want it to be.

    9) File-->Save avi-->Save avi with a new filename (put a *.avi extension)

    10) Wait until it will be done (approx. 5-10minutes) and play in a player (I like WMP 6.4)
    FFDShow filters
    Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      "Why is this happening with vbr mp3? why even use this (vbr mp3) if it creates problems?"

      It's another example of "the price you pay" for downloading illicit copies of commercial media... (It obviously didn't create problems for whoever made the file available)

      Converting .AVIs with VBR-MP3 Audio

      Simply use NanDub to save the audio stream as an Uncompressed PCM (WAV) file as follows:
      Load your original .AVI into NanDub
      Set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copy"
      Set "Audio" to "Full Processing Mode"
      From the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Compression" - and choose "<No compression(PCM)>"
      From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save WAV" (Enter a new filename with a ".WAV" extender).Click on "OK"
      Then set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copying"
      Then save the .AVI as a silent .AVI (set "Audio" to "No audio" after you've saved the WAV file).

      Then close NanDub and restart it
      Set "Audio" to "No audio"
      Load your silent .AVI
      Set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copying"
      Under "Audio" click on "WAV Audio" and load your .WAV
      Set "Audio" to "Full Processing Mode"
      From the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Compression" and choose the appropriate .MP3 settings. Click on "OK"
      From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save as AVI" and save your file with a new filename.


      • McMillan
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2003
        • 45

        That's what I did do. I loaded the file in Virtual Dub and saved a wav file. I did this for both of the movie parts. Than, I joined the files (append avi segment) to gain one file. But, when I loaded wav file (created by joining both wav files into one, using Cool Edit - program like sound forge) it won't sync.
        I noticed that, when I play the movie from vdub - you know, prewiew - and don't use the slider, the audio seems to be synced, but if I use the slider to get to the some part in the movie, audio goes to hell.
        I started the conversion, by "save as avi" and the audio synced at first, but it lost sync by the end of the file. Anyway, thanx...
        I'll try to make the audio fit the video duration by time shifting. If that fails, I give up.
        ...this MIGHT not be the best picture that I have...


        • McMillan
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2003
          • 45

          btw, I did this same procedure before with some other movied and it was ok.
          maybe some errors in the avi stream making it shorter??
          stay cool
          ...this MIGHT not be the best picture that I have...


          • McMillan
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2003
            • 45

            I forgot to ask, what's the difference between virtual and nan dub? it seems to be the same program but with a bit more options for reencoding video stream?
            ...this MIGHT not be the best picture that I have...


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              As I said before, "Load your original .AVI into NanDub" - NOT VirtualDub.

              NanDub has, amongst other things, better facilities for properly handling VBR audiostreams...


              • McMillan
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2003
                • 45

                Ok, will do it. I'll have to lend that 2 cd's again, since I've deleted the original 2 fles from HDD and returned them...
                Many thanx, preciousssss
                ...this MIGHT not be the best picture that I have...


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955


                  That's almost as stomach turning as your picture ;>}


                  • chickeneater
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 672


                    I get it... It is in the lord of the rings, when golem (smeagle) calls the ring "preciousssss"
                    FFDShow filters
                    Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


                    • McMillan
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 45

                      I can make it look even uglier..
                      ...this MIGHT not be the best picture that I have...

