GraphEdit woes

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  • thedocisn2
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2003
    • 2

    GraphEdit woes

    For some reason I can't get GraphEdit to work. First off let me give you some background info. I'm trying to do this on an XP Pro box if that matters. If you need specifics beyond that then you'll have to tell me what you need because I'm not sure what else is pertinent here. I'm a noob at ripping my DVDs. I'm using the excellent guides over at

    ...specifically this one.

    I'm ripped the DVD using SmartRipper's "Backup" option (god that's easy and fast!). Now I'm working down through that guide. I've essentially done everything DVD2AVI and VFAPI can do (including the "fake" AVI). Now I"ve backed up to the optional audio part and the guide that goes with it.

    I ended up downloading GraphEdit build 011008 instead of 980303 like the guide intended. I copied the filters into my GraphEdit directory and dropped them on RegDrop. No problem there. I created my list file and moved on to inserting filters in GraphEdit. The "I-Media Multiple MPEG2 Source" and "File Writer" filters insert as expected. The problem occurs when inserting the next filter in the list. The guide says to insert the "MPEG-2 Splitter" or the "Ligos Mpeg Splitter." I tried both. Neither of the filters had the same outputs as the Ligos filter they showed in their guide. In fact after connecting the input, I only had one output to work with. I tried connected that to the next filter like the guide instructed though. As soon as I connected the Ligos filter to the "InterVideo Audio Decoder" GraphEdit gave me an Out of Memory error. It did the same for each of the subsequent connections I made.

    Does anyone have any idea what the problem is or how to fix it? Is there a better way to rip the audio off of my DVDs? After I have the audio ripped I was planning on stuffing it and the video into Virtualdub or Nandub to see if I could get a complete file. Thanks

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "I'm a noob at ripping my DVDs."

    As such, you might want to try a simpler approach, as follows:

    1) Rip the DVD to your hard drive, using either DVDDecrypter or SmartRipper

    2) Load the .ripped .VOBs sequentially into MPEGMediator - which will simultaneously convert and multiplex the video and audio into an .AVI file, compressed by the codec of your choosing


    • thedocisn2
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • May 2003
      • 2

      1) Rip the DVD to your hard drive, using either DVDDecrypter or SmartRipper

      2) Load the .ripped .VOBs sequentially into MPEGMediator - which will simultaneously convert and multiplex the video and audio into an .AVI file, compressed by the codec of your choosing [/B]
      I used SmartRipper to rip my DVD. It's an exceptionally easy tool to use. I don't know if audio was included though...

      I'll take a look at MPEGMediator. This is the first time I've seen it mentioned in the dozens of howtos and guides I've read. I'd planned on using Nandub or Virtualdub once I figured out how to extract the audio.

      Thanks for the input

