Suggestons: New alternative to FlasKMPEG

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  • JCW
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 5

    Suggestons: New alternative to FlasKMPEG

    The damned program is nice enough to use, but I'm suffering from the Radium MP3 codec "no sound" problem under Win XP.

    Thanks for any help!!

    ~ John
  • sea4me
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 2

    Hi !

    Ever tried a programme called Easydivx. Check out this link

    Works like a charm for me on XP. A lot easier to use too.

    I spendt days to get my first film right on Flask, but on Easydivx i got it OK on the first attempt.

    I have also experienced some of your sound probs but found no other sulution than to reinstall w2k, which I was using at the time.

    Best of luck


    • khp
      The Other
      • Nov 2001
      • 2161

      The damned program is nice enough to use, but I'm suffering from the Radium MP3 codec "no sound" problem under Win XP.
      Agreed Flask is somewhat retarded when it comes to audio codecs (maybe Xmpeg works better), haveing either vorbis or radium installed will cause flask0.6 to crash on my win2k machine, even though I select another audio codec.

      For an alternative tool I would like to nominate GordianKnot

      Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


      • DivZ
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 44

        nandub sbc with 3.11 works for me.

        i havent been able to get 4.12 to work without crashing my pc yet. Wll also b giving Gordian Knot a go.
        a little bit is better than nada.
        sometimes you want the whole enchilada.


        • bravo261
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2002
          • 1

          I got that problem too sometimes. The only idea I got is that after you install the Radium codec, you have to go to the Start Menu group and execute it, which is basically just clicking it to open and then ok to close. that helps sometimes.

