I agree. Version 5 i tohught was not that good. I got worse video playback, with skips in comparsion to version 4.
Crashed on win xp using wmp
powerdvd is not designed for XviD files. Use windows media player classic for xvid.Comment
I have give DivX loads of chances to meet the quality of XviD, so tonight is the last night. I'm going to encode something in DivX 5.1, starting in about an hours time actually because yes it's painfully slow. But i'm only using standard for the analysing part and then slowest for the actual encoding. If the quality does'nt match that of XviD then it can stuff it. Saying this though i encoded something with it when it first came out and i had to stop if because i did'nt realise how long it took but the quality for the first 4mins was excellent, much better than the other ones that was realeased. So anyway i'll see. I might just stick to WMP9 because it has'nt give me any trouble so far. I mean there's no reason to change the player you have if you like it (for me anyway).Computer FanaticComment
Remember to use the latest veriosion of XviD- rc3.Comment
I have been since it come out. I check their page frequently. To tell you the truth, i might just stick with XviD for 2 thing's<br> a) the speed, even doing a 2 pass with wide search enabled only takes 5 hours compared to their well....<br>b) the quality is excellent, and the max improvement and degration really seems to work.
I also tried an encode through the night with GMC enabled and the quality was excellent. You have pyscho enabled on DivX and you wonder where the bit's go. I had it enabled for this 2 hour film and there was still a fair amount of blocks apparent at the start of this film yet when configuring XviD there was still some there but not nearly as many as DivX. Although i don't like to blantantly shove thing's in their faces on the DivX forum, i say the odd thing or two but that's about it. Anyway the thing with the XviD codec is you can configure it to the film, say if the film has no dark scenes whatsoever then just lower the max improvement and degration if it has a lot of dark scenes then just upp it. It also has pyshco (well lumi masking), but i really find that this max overflow improvement and degration really works more than lumi masking.Computer FanaticComment
Actually i've tested xvid previous versions and didn'y like so much.
Compared to divx i've always prefered to dela with it.But since a new xvid release has come out i made use of it but it resulted
no video at all.
perhaps a conflict with divx. ( suggest if you can)
One think i can porve is that my friend has used this brilliant xvid codec (latest release) and the only thing that amazed me was the speed and the options of letting the user to customise his own settings for the video.Regarding quality i woudn't say that there is much difference ,if you want a hq movie divx is ready to
give it but eventually at very slow speed.
Withthe same quality xvid takes almost half the time taken by xvid and thats much convient.Comment
Oh yeah, i'm not saying that the difference it obvious. To tell you the truth i think i had the resolution of this film too high, it was 576x320, i have it set at now 448x256. But even at this resolution it was XviD that could handle knowing where to put the bit's best and DivX not.But i've seen the tests on doom9 and on some scenes to me XviD won, but on others DivX won so....The thing is i don't like DVD quality, you know the clear thing where you look at the picture when it has bkack bars and it looks as if you can stick you hand through (if that makes sense), i don't like that. I've always said that i would'nt go below 512 but well....it seems okay.Computer FanaticComment
The thing is i don't like DVD quality, you know the clear thing where you look at the picture when it has bkack bars and it looks as if you can stick you hand through (if that makes sense), i don't like that.
Black bars 'not all dvd's have black bars and obviously they have the best quality one can gain.No matter which codec you try
dvd quality is just #1.Black bars can be removed easily in dvd's
either pan scan or digital zoom 4X is enough.
In divx you cannot always remove black bars in fact HACKER on Fire was not right.After encoding i always end up with black bars and if i do pan scan uslly the video gets a little bit streched.Comment
I am right, you can get rid of black bars. The problem you have is when the player sizes it to full screen AND keeps the aspect ratio thus putting it's own black bars. If you don't believe me you should use smart crop all as i said and adjust for perfection and then open the encoded file in virtualdubmod.
If you want the video to fill the whole screen when zoom'd to full screen you need to make sure the player doesn't preserve the aspect ratio. Note this will strech the picture.Comment
As it forces the movie to fill the whole, of the screen.
"Nope i'm not keeping the aspect ratio and i've used the smart crop all option."
You must be keeping the aspect ratio the same (in the player NOT when encoding), otherwise the player would make it fill the whole screen when you put it to full screen.Comment