Audio Sync Problems

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  • thevogue
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 15

    Audio Sync Problems

    I am new at this and have tried flask, I got perfect audio and perfect video but they were not in sync not even close I have tried to fix it with a couple of programs but couldn't. I have tried ripitall and still audio and video don't match up. is there any way I can just encode a movie and at the end it works? please help. thanks
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    How did you encode your video? What audio bitrate and frequency did you use? Often too low a value leads to problems like this.

    p.s. Virtualdub can help you to correct an out-of-synch audio problem. However, if the rate of audio going is different from that of the video, it is a different matter.


    • thevogue
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2002
      • 15

      I have used 112 and 44,000hz and 128 and 48,000 and 64 and 48,000. Should I keep trying to use Flask or is there something better?


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        Flask is an easy-to-use program and a capable one at that. In this case, you can send the encoded video into Virtual/nandub and let the program correct the synch. problem via the Audio Interleave option. Do you know how to go about that?


        • thevogue
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2002
          • 15

          I have used virtual dub some like putting together vid and audio with direct streem copy but have not used nandub or the option you are suggesting. I would greatly apreaciate a lesson.


          • Erci
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            • Nov 2001
            • 333

            If you want to get a little bit better qualiy on both the audio and video I suggest that you do all the encoding with nandub. Do cutting and resizing stuff in a program called GordianKnot. You can do the audio with a program called besweet also using lame and azid is necessary. Then using BeSweet GUI will help you a lot.
            You can find a complete guide of this at If you download the GKnot package you get all the things you need. As I said it may be a little bit more tricky but I never have had any probs with it when I have used it. You get good quality on both audio and video and you can easily find out how much delay you have on the audio.
            The guide can be a little bit misguiding so if you want I can write you a quick guide where I exlain completely how to do.

            DVD Backup Guide


            • thevogue
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2002
              • 15

              I am going to get the programs now and give it a try, and yes I would like the instruction from you as well Erci. Thanks


              • Enchanter
                Old member
                • Feb 2002
                • 5417

                Learning the nandub guides would be the first step to take. I can't easily teach nandub encoding methods if you have no prior knowledge of it.


                • mrBullseye
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2002
                  • 13

                  I have had the similar problem with flask when I encoded a movie that was quite long (2h 30min) The thing I did was open the encoded movie in virtualdub, and select direct stream copy for the video, and full processing for the audio! The I reencoded the audio at the same bitrate, and in the interleaving option I increased the "store ms of audio before the first frame" to a higer amount than 500! in my case I selected 1000, and all this worked perfectly! I got no audiosync problems whatsoever! Also make sure that the option "sync audio/video (or something like that)" is selected.
                  Hope this will do the trick! I know as a beginner myself how irritating it can be to learn a heap of new programs just to correct one single error!
                  Last edited by mrBullseye; 29 Mar 2002, 11:20 AM.


                  • Enchanter
                    Old member
                    • Feb 2002
                    • 5417


                    In that case, you can just set the audio tab to Direct Stream Copy and play around with the Interleave option as you described. It will achieve the job faster and with the same quality as the encoded movie (Reencoding something almost always results in quality loss, which is never desirable).


                    • mrBullseye
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2002
                      • 13

                      Hmmm, you're right enchanter (as always =)
                      I didn't think about the fact that I didn't want to alter the audio in any way, just change the position of the audio somewhat!
                      (damn, and I deleted the sourcefile!!!!) =Þ


                      • Enchanter
                        Old member
                        • Feb 2002
                        • 5417


                        Remember not to delete a thing until you get the desired results. I used to do the same thing so I know how much it hurts.


                        • Erci
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 333

                          oki... sit back and relax=)

                          To begin with rip your DVD with either smart ripper or vstrip.
                          When this is done open up DVD2AVI and open your vob files. Preview the movie by pressing F5. Now you can see what typ of frame it is and if it's a interlaced source or an progressive. Color space under video menu should be set to yuv. Then just follow the things you can read in GKnot where you open DVD2AVI. But remember do not select a track. Then save as a d2v project.
                          When this is done you should have an d2v project file and one or some ac3 soundsources.
                          Now you should open BeSweet GUI with the newest BeSweet Azid and Lame. First you can select where you have besweet.exe, you don't kneed to select where azid or lame are.
                          Then choose your input among the ac3 sounds that you get. If you have an file that is called something with 3_2 in it and it means you have a 5.1 sound. If you do have that you have to set LFE to LR channel to -3db in other case just leave it alone.
                          Under azid one you also has to choose dynamic compression. Then under lame1 choose your mod (I prefer joint stereo). Then under lame2 choose vbr old&new merger quality5. Also set minimum allowed bitrate to 64 and maximum to 256. Now go back to besweet. If you want to have a 44100 hz sound, that is only good if you going to convert the divx to VCD or SVCD, choose "downconvert sample rate".
                          Now you can press ac3 to mp3 and wait for it to finish.
                          When it's done open GKnot and go to bitrate. Make sure the mode is set to "calculate average bitrate" then choose audio A size and type in the size of your MP3 file you just created.
                          Then check "calculate frame-overhead and under that 1 x vbr-mp3. Now you can choose to open your d2v project by pressing the button in the lower left corner. Don't forget to set the desired file size.
                          Now the lenght of the movie will come up automaticly, it'll also choose if the movie is NTSC or PAL. In the screen that comes up choose view (doesn't remember) so you can watch how it'll lock after you're finished with it.
                          Now you can see if it's anamorphic 16:9 or non-anamorphic 4:9. Choose the right one.
                          Now you can go to the resolution tab and choose auto crop. When it has croped the movie choose smart crop all so you'll get the right aspect ratio.
                          Now you can start to resize it by draging the slider so the Bits/(pixel*frame) get close to 0.20 for 1 cd and 0.27 for 2 cd.
                          When this is done you can choose save&encode. Now a menu will come up and here you can choose your resizing filter (never go with less then natural bicubic).
                          Now you can encode 5% of the movie to see that the resizing is ok. To do this choose the menu in the lower right corner "don't remember the name" and the choose save.
                          When you prss save the encoding screen will come up and it'll ask you for the loaction of nandub, get it for it. When you have done this make sure it says that you only want to encode first pass and not second or both.
                          Then press encode, now you have added the job to the job list and you can start the encoding. Nandub will come up and it's just to wait until it's finshed.
                          When it's finshed open it by pressing the load button in the lower part of Gknot. The value that comes up should be beetwen 65% and 75%. If it's not change the slider position until it is. When this is done you can open your d2v file again
                          and press save&encode. But this time do not choose to do only 5% of the movie and remember to set the correct resizing filter.
                          Then press encode and the encoding screen comes up. This time choose both passes and and start the job.
                          Now it will take a few hours.
                          When it's done open you video file in nandub and set video to direct stream copy. Under audio menu choose (vbr) mp3 audio and load your file inte nandub. Remember to set direct stream copy under audio to. Then press interleaving and choose the delay on your audio file. You can find it on the original ac3 sound.
                          Then save avi.
                          Now you will have a fully functional divx movie.

                          Good Luck

                          And remember with these programs you'll achive better quality on both audio and video, at least according to me.

                          DVD Backup Guide


                          • thevogue
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Mar 2002
                            • 15

                            Thank you,
                            I still didn't have any luck with that program. I used Mpeg Medeator and it worked great.


                            • Erci
                              Digital Video Enthusiast
                              Digital Video Enthusiast
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 333

                              oki... I have now done a complete guide in html=)
                              it would be easier to understand and you should probably get good results if you want to try it out.
                              The adress is
                              check it out and tell me what you think

                              DVD Backup Guide

