Any information on Real Media Videos

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  • latinosiempre
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2001
    • 1

    Any information on Real Media Videos

    I really need help, i have tried to find anything that will download or convert Real media to any type of other format. If you have any information on how to (i tired things like Tinra, but don't work if you have even tips please help) do anything with real media or ASF files, please help(i download streaming asf files with ASF Recorder and it takes too long with TMPEG and doesn't work with ASF Tools)
  • Tom9
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2001
    • 31

    goto and read the tutorials on ASF and RM (click on the conversion section in the left frame of their page and then scroll down to the RM and ASF conversion info links), they have everything you should need available for d/l...
    hope this helps
    Last edited by Tom9; 30 Nov 2001, 03:41 PM.
    "Death is short, Honor is eternal"

    - dont know

