Ntsc Dvd

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  • Qubik
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2002
    • 6

    Ntsc Dvd

    Hi to All !
    My question is very simple : how to encode a NTSC DVD.
    I've used SmartRip to rip the DVD disk and got few .VOB files including .IFO file. So SmartRip do job very well.

    After that I tried to encode it in Flask and in preview mode, got green screen and few black squares instead of smooth picture.
    When I tried to encode it anyway it was crashed with "Illegal protection error" (my Windows 98 SE system error).
    Same result I got with DVD2AVI and DVDx programs.
    I was read tons of guides and have not find any clue to resolve my problem.

    I've ripped and encoded DVD movies previously, but all of them has PAL format.

    I have, right now 3 rip source and all ripped from NTSC DVD source.

    So, I'm sorry for my bad english and
    Please help ..
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    When it comes to encoding VOB files from either PAL or NTSC discs, there should be no difference in the methods of viewing the contents. Are you able to view them using a DVD player software or WMP?


    • Qubik
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2002
      • 6

      Hi, Thanks for quick reply

      Yes, I can view the DVD disk in all DVD playback software and it run perfect.
      There is only one deference - it have NTSC format.
      Very strange..
      Maybe problem in something else, but I don't know where is.
      Maybe I need do rip in other way than PAL DVD, or there some trick that I don't know.

      Agian, I have done about 10 movies and have not same problem.


      Any ideas? My hard drive gone be full with DVD sorces without encoding to DIVX...

      Thanks alot.


      • Erci
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        • Nov 2001
        • 333

        is this a problem with all NTSC sources or just one. If it just one try to rip it with vstrip instead.

        DVD Backup Guide


        • Enchanter
          Old member
          • Feb 2002
          • 5417

          Can you tell me the fps of the movie? And also whether it 'suffers' from interlacing artifacts?


          • Qubik
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2002
            • 6

            To Erci.
            Hi, Currently I have 3 different movies all of them in NTSC format and no one can not be encoded... ;-(

            To Enchanter

            The fps for movies is 29.97fps, and about question 2 - not sure I understand it right, (( can you expalin it, please?


            • Enchanter
              Old member
              • Feb 2002
              • 5417

              2nd Q: Do you see any 'combing' effects when playing the movie in WMP6.4?


              • Qubik
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2002
                • 6

                The truth is I never seen my DVD movies on the computer - I have home cinema. I use the computer for RIP and encode purposes.
                SmartRip need sometimes 'unlock' the VOB's and I use the PowerDVD4XP to view the move and to 'unlock' it for SmartRip, and in this stage (on PowerDVD) it run perfect - the video is smooth but without sound. ((


                • Enchanter
                  Old member
                  • Feb 2002
                  • 5417

                  May I suggest that you use a different version of Flask? It's possible that the version you're using does not properly preview NTSC contents (Ask me not for the technical details).


                  • Qubik
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 6

                    Maybe yes, but I've checked out the current version (ver 0.594) they have the 0.6 preview but won't to use this...
                    So, I will try to encode it on another computer - maybe the problem in my Windows or video adapter or something in my hardware. Pretty sure.

                    Thanks alot.



                    • Enchanter
                      Old member
                      • Feb 2002
                      • 5417

                      Get the one with the file fixes. I believe it's names PX3 or something like that...


                      • Erci
                        Digital Video Enthusiast
                        Digital Video Enthusiast
                        • Nov 2001
                        • 333

                        Try another program like GordianKnot with Nandub. Feel free to read my guide.

                        DVD Backup Guide

