Some "detail" in some audio synch guide

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  • Ryo94
    Gold Member
    Gold Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 145

    Some "detail" in some audio synch guide

    Extracted from "Fixing Audio Synchronization Problems" guide (downloaded from this site)

    "Terabits AVI Info tool is the only utility so far that can offer a solution.
    Notice that, as you change the framerate to get the movie in synch, it offers a streach
    (stretch) amount (5).
    So we use the framerate controls as usual to get the movie in synch but this time we don't save the framerate changes! Instead write down (or copy and paste) the 'streach' number exactly.
    Open the extracted wave in Cool Edit and choose Time/Pitch > Stretch...
    Paste the stretch amount into the ratio box (encircled in red)."

    That is wrong, is not a copy/paste matter, the strech value in AVI info is referred to the video but not to the audio. For example if in the video appears the audio first the strech value would be bigger than 100% ,for example 100.0500, if I take this value and paste it in the ratio box (like the guide say) the audio will expand more and the synch problem will be more. To solve this, the real value that would to put in the ratio box is 99.9500 to compress the audio for align it with the video.
    I noticed this trying to fix a sinch problem and that's true, but my english is very bad and maybe I don't understand very well what the guide meant.