Help! Seemingly broken videos!

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  • Munji
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 1

    Help! Seemingly broken videos!

    Hi guys,

    I am desperate for help! Some videos I took on my honeymoon seem to have been corrupted, I suspect they were due to using Aperture but I dont think thats relevant to solving the issue.

    They were filmed on a Samsung camera, and for the life of me I cant remember what the original extension of the files were before they were imported into Aperture and worked. But now they have a .AVI extension. The files refused to play in Quicktime, MPlayer X and VLC. VLC does give the correct duration but wont play.

    Media information says:

    "Stream 0

    Type: Video
    Codec: Motion JPEG Video (dmb1)
    Resolution: 1280x720
    Display Resolution: 1280x720
    Frame rate: 30

    Stream 1

    Type: Audio
    Codec: PCM S16 LE (sowt)
    Language: English
    Channels: 1
    Sample Rate: 22050 Hz
    Bits per sample: 16
    Bitrate: 352 kb/s"

    The files ran through DivFix++ also give me the error that the files are not really .AVI.

    What can I do to get these back?

  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    MJPEG usually comes in AVI or MOV containers, so if AVI is not being recognized, perhaps try renaming the extension to MOV?
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