MeGUI's Queue has jobs working but no output?

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  • dr_ml422
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • May 2007
    • 1903

    MeGUI's Queue has jobs working but no output?

    I'm using MEGUI to encode. I've had success w/the H.264 encoding of DVD videos. Now I'm using it to try and encode the DVD videos to Xvid and producing a .avi file, but no matter what settings I use there's no result whatsoever even while the Queue has jobs processing and working and finishes saying it's done.

    Now how can your PC be working on something, tell you it's working on something, and finish working on something and produce no results?

    Someone here ever run into this w/anything? When they say that MeGUI can convert to other formats are they saying it can convert from many to H.264, or can be used to convert different files into different formats?

    IE: From DVD to Xvid resulting in a .avi file? I used the correct settings afaik and the AVI container. I'm done. If any answers or suggestions post them.

    I can't stand looking for something that's not there for Pete's sake. This got to me.

    Ok I did some more research and found a DVD to Xvid MeGUI guide. It's a lil old but it basically mentioned the possibilities of having issues depending on the source DVD files and Xvid settings etc... in MeGUI. So I'll be playing w/some different settings here and there. See what happens. Seems it gets trickier w/Xvid than what it originally was intended for.

    Itmt if any of you guys can come up w/some more updated info regarding the Xvid conversion let me know. 1 thing I have to admit. The MP4 conversion w/this is immaculate and no issues whatsoever at all. Windows 7 x64 Home. I recommend this baby monster for H.264. It seems daunting at 1st but after a few tries you should be good to go.
    Last edited by dr_ml422; 26 Jan 2010, 11:47 AM.

    Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

    Google is definitely our friend.
  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    This is in Windows 7 (64-bit), right?

    Can you post the MeGUI logs?
    Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


    • dr_ml422
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • May 2007
      • 1903

      Here's the 1 that was broken into 25 min. segments in the DVD. At least the Log can tell you something.

      [Information] Log
      -[Information] Versions
      --[NoImage] MeGUI Version :
      --[NoImage] OS : Windows Seven Premium Edition x64 (
      --[NoImage] Latest .Net Framework installed : 3.5 SP1 (3.5.30729.4926)
      --[NoImage] Avisynth Version :
      -[Information] Log for job1 (idx, VTS_02_1.VOB -> VTS_02_1.d2v)
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:51:11 AM] Started handling job
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:51:11 AM] Preprocessing
      --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\dgindex\dgindex.exe" -SD=< -AIF=<C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.VOB< -OF=<C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1< -FO=0 -exit -hide -OM=1 -TN=80
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:51:11 AM] Indexing started
      --[NoImage] Standard output stream
      --[NoImage] Standard error stream
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:51:29 AM] Running auto force film
      ---[NoImage] Film percentage: -1
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:51:29 AM] Postprocessing
      ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:51:30 AM] Job completed
      -[Information] AutoEncode job generation log
      --[NoImage] Desired Size : 1.37 GB
      --[NoImage] Split Size : null
      --[Information] Eliminating duplicate filenames
      ---[NoImage] Video output file: C:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.avi
      ---[NoImage] Muxed output file: C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1-muxed.avi
      ---[NoImage] Encodable audio stream 0: C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3
      -[Information] Log for job2 (audio, VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 19ms.ac3 -> VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3)
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Started handling job
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Preprocessing
      --[NoImage] Avisynth script
      ---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\NicAudio.dll")
      ---[NoImage] NicAc3Source("C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 19ms.ac3")
      ---[NoImage] DelayAudio(19.0/1000.0)
      ---[NoImage] 6<=Audiochannels(last)?x_stereoa838411cbd254cfea20 edda2c95cda97(ConvertAudioToFloat(last)):last
      ---[NoImage] Normalize()
      ---[NoImage] 32==Audiobits(last)?ConvertAudioTo16bit(last):last
      ---[NoImage] return last
      ---[NoImage] function x_stereoa838411cbd254cfea20edda2c95cda97(clip a)
      ---[NoImage] {
      ---[NoImage] fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
      ---[NoImage] fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
      ---[NoImage] c = GetChannel(a, 3)
      ---[NoImage] lfe = GetChannel(a, 4)
      ---[NoImage] sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
      ---[NoImage] sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
      ---[NoImage] l_sl = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.2929, 0.2929)
      ---[NoImage] c_lfe = MixAudio(lfe, c, 0.2071, 0.2071)
      ---[NoImage] r_sr = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
      ---[NoImage] l = MixAudio(l_sl, c_lfe, 1.0, 1.0)
      ---[NoImage] r = MixAudio(r_sr, c_lfe, 1.0, 1.0)
      ---[NoImage] return MergeChannels(l, r)
      ---[NoImage] }
      --[NoImage] Commandline used: --abr 128 -h - "{0}"
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Encoding started
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Encode thread started
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Avisynth script environment opened
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Script loaded
      --[Information] Output Decoder
      ---[NoImage] Channels: 2
      ---[NoImage] Bits per sample: 16
      ---[NoImage] Sample rate: 48000
      --[NoImage] Commandline: C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\lame\lame.exe --abr 128 -h - "C:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3"
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:08:49 AM] Encoder process started
      --[NoImage] Output from encoder via stderr
      ---[NoImage] LAME 3.98.2 32bits (
      ---[NoImage] CPU features: MMX (ASM used), 3DNow! (ASM used), SSE (ASM used), SSE2
      ---[NoImage] Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 16452 Hz - 17032 Hz
      ---[NoImage] Encoding <stdin>
      ---[NoImage] to C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3
      ---[NoImage] Encoding as 48 kHz j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (12x) average 128 kbps qval=2
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:10:52 AM] Postprocessing
      ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:10:52 AM] Job completed
      -[Information] Log for job3 (video, VTS_02_1.avs -> )
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:10:52 AM] Started handling job
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:10:52 AM] Preprocessing
      ---[Information] Bitrate calculation for video
      ----[NoImage] Desired size after subtracting audio: 1411451KBs
      ----[NoImage] Calculated desired bitrate: 7614kbit/s
      --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.avs" -pass1 "C:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.stats" -bitrate 7614 -kboost 100 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -chigh 30 -clow 15 -overhead 0 -vbvmax 4854000 -vbvsize 3145728 -vbvpeak 2359296 -turbo -max_key_interval 250 -imin 1 -pmin 1 -max_bframes 1 -bvhq -bquant_ratio 162 -bquant_offset 0 -bmin 1 -par 1:1 -threads 1
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:10:52 AM] Encoding started
      --[NoImage] Standard output stream
      ---[NoImage] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert 2002-2003
      ---[NoImage] Tot: enctime(ms) =742903.00, length(bytes) = 946860472
      ---[NoImage] Avg: enctime(ms) = 16.32, fps = 61.26, length(bytes) = 20806
      ---[NoImage] I frames: 200 frames, size = 48010/ 9602199, quants = 2 / 2.00 / 2
      ---[NoImage] P frames: 22827 frames, size = 30533/ 696993889, quants = 2 / 2.00 / 2
      ---[NoImage] B frames: 22480 frames, size = 10687/ 240264384, quants = 3 / 3.00 / 3
      --[NoImage] Standard error stream
      ---[NoImage] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Avisynth detected
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input colorspace is YV12
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input is 720 x 480, 29.970fps (30000/1001), starting from frame 0
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Number of frames to encode: 45507, Bitrate = 7614kbps
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: xvidcore build version: xvid-1.2.2
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Bitstream version: 1.2.2
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 3DNOW 3DNOWEXT TSC
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected cpus = 3, threads requested = 1, threads in use = 1
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:23:16 AM] Postprocessing
      ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:23:16 AM] Job completed
      -[Information] Log for job4 (video, VTS_02_1.avs -> VTS_02_1.avi)
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:23:16 AM] Started handling job
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:23:16 AM] Preprocessing
      --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.avs" -pass2 "C:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.stats" -bitrate 7614 -kboost 100 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -chigh 30 -clow 15 -overhead 0 -vbvmax 4854000 -vbvsize 3145728 -vbvpeak 2359296 -max_key_interval 250 -imin 1 -pmin 1 -max_bframes 1 -bvhq -bquant_ratio 162 -bquant_offset 0 -bmin 1 -par 1:1 -threads 1 -avi "C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.avi"
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:23:16 AM] Encoding started
      --[NoImage] Standard output stream
      ---[NoImage] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert 2002-2003
      ---[NoImage] Tot: enctime(ms) =1476673.00, length(bytes) = 917153191
      ---[NoImage] Avg: enctime(ms) = 32.45, fps = 30.82, length(bytes) = 20153
      ---[NoImage] I frames: 200 frames, size = 77385/ 15477182, quants = 1 / 1.25 / 3
      ---[NoImage] P frames: 22827 frames, size = 30400/ 693957050, quants = 1 / 2.16 / 5
      ---[NoImage] B frames: 22480 frames, size = 9240/ 207718959, quants = 1 / 3.19 / 7
      --[NoImage] Standard error stream
      ---[NoImage] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Avisynth detected
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input colorspace is YV12
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input is 720 x 480, 29.970fps (30000/1001), starting from frame 0
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Number of frames to encode: 45507, Bitrate = 7614kbps
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: xvidcore build version: xvid-1.2.2
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Bitstream version: 1.2.2
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 3DNOW 3DNOWEXT TSC
      ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected cpus = 3, threads requested = 1, threads in use = 1
      --[Information] Final statistics
      ---[NoImage] Video Bitrate Desired: 7614 kbit/s
      ---[NoImage] Video Bitrate Obtained (approximate): 4838 kbit/s
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:12 AM] Postprocessing
      ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
      ----[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:12 AM] Successfully deleted C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.stats
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:12 AM] Job completed
      -[Information] Log for job5 (mux, VTS_02_1.avi -> VTS_02_1-muxed.avi)
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:12 AM] Started handling job
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:12 AM] Preprocessing
      --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avimux_gui\avimux_gui.exe" "C:\Users\DR. MFC 7-64\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1D03.tmp"
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:12 AM] Muxing started
      --[NoImage] Standard output stream
      --[NoImage] Standard error stream
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:17 AM] Postprocessing
      ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
      ----[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:17 AM] Successfully deleted C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.avi
      ----[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:17 AM] Successfully deleted C:\\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1 T80 2_0ch 224Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3
      --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:48:17 AM] Job completed
      Last edited by admin; 26 Jan 2010, 02:49 PM.

      Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

      Google is definitely our friend.


      • dr_ml422
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • May 2007
        • 1903

        Here's another 1 I tried. DVD was not in sections.

        [Information] Log
        -[Information] Versions
        --[NoImage] MeGUI Version :
        --[NoImage] OS : Windows Seven Premium Edition x64 (
        --[NoImage] Latest .Net Framework installed : 3.5 SP1 (3.5.30729.4926)
        --[NoImage] Avisynth Version :
        -[Information] Log for job1 (idx, VTS_01_1.VOB -> VTS_01_1.d2v)
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:15:37 PM] Started handling job
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:15:37 PM] Preprocessing
        --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\dgindex\dgindex.exe" -SD=< -AIF=<C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB< -OF=<C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1< -FO=0 -exit -hide -OM=1 -TN=80
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:15:37 PM] Indexing started
        --[NoImage] Standard output stream
        --[NoImage] Standard error stream
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:16:38 PM] Running auto force film
        ---[NoImage] Film percentage: -1
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:16:38 PM] Postprocessing
        ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:18:16 PM] Job completed
        -[Information] AutoEncode job generation log
        --[NoImage] Desired Size : 1.37 GB
        --[NoImage] Split Size : null
        --[Information] Eliminating duplicate filenames
        ---[NoImage] Video output file: C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.avi
        ---[NoImage] Muxed output file: C:\Users\DR. MFC 7-64\Videos\VTS_01_1-muxed.avi
        ---[NoImage] Encodable audio stream 0: C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3
        -[Information] Log for job2 (audio, VTS_01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 27923ms.ac3 -> VTS_01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3)
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Started handling job
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Preprocessing
        --[NoImage] Avisynth script
        ---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\NicAudio.dll")
        ---[NoImage] NicAc3Source("C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_ 01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 27923ms.ac3")
        ---[NoImage] DelayAudio(27923.0/1000.0)
        ---[NoImage] 6<=Audiochannels(last)?x_stereobfeNero Serial Removed6(ConvertAudioToFloat(last)):last
        ---[NoImage] Normalize()
        ---[NoImage] 32==Audiobits(last)?ConvertAudioTo16bit(last):last
        ---[NoImage] return last
        ---[NoImage] function x_stereobfeNero Serial Removed6(clip a)
        ---[NoImage] {
        ---[NoImage] fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
        ---[NoImage] fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
        ---[NoImage] c = GetChannel(a, 3)
        ---[NoImage] lfe = GetChannel(a, 4)
        ---[NoImage] sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
        ---[NoImage] sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
        ---[NoImage] l_sl = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.2929, 0.2929)
        ---[NoImage] c_lfe = MixAudio(lfe, c, 0.2071, 0.2071)
        ---[NoImage] r_sr = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
        ---[NoImage] l = MixAudio(l_sl, c_lfe, 1.0, 1.0)
        ---[NoImage] r = MixAudio(r_sr, c_lfe, 1.0, 1.0)
        ---[NoImage] return MergeChannels(l, r)
        ---[NoImage] }
        --[NoImage] Commandline used: --abr 128 -h - "{0}"
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Encoding started
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Encode thread started
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Avisynth script environment opened
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Script loaded
        --[Information] Output Decoder
        ---[NoImage] Channels: 2
        ---[NoImage] Bits per sample: 16
        ---[NoImage] Sample rate: 48000
        --[NoImage] Commandline: C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\lame\lame.exe --abr 128 -h - "C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3"
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:34:05 PM] Encoder process started
        --[NoImage] Output from encoder via stderr
        ---[NoImage] LAME 3.98.2 32bits (
        ---[NoImage] CPU features: MMX (ASM used), 3DNow! (ASM used), SSE (ASM used), SSE2
        ---[NoImage] Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 16452 Hz - 17032 Hz
        ---[NoImage] Encoding <stdin>
        ---[NoImage] to C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3
        ---[NoImage] Encoding as 48 kHz j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (12x) average 128 kbps qval=2
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:42:10 PM] Postprocessing
        ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:42:10 PM] Job completed
        -[Information] Log for job3 (video, VTS_01_1.avs -> )
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:42:10 PM] Started handling job
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:42:10 PM] Preprocessing
        ---[Information] Bitrate calculation for video
        ----[NoImage] Desired size after subtracting audio: 1348384KBs
        ----[NoImage] Calculated desired bitrate: 1858kbit/s
        --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.avs" -pass1 "C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.stat s" -bitrate 1858 -kboost 100 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -chigh 30 -clow 15 -overhead 0 -vbvmax 4854000 -vbvsize 3145728 -vbvpeak 2359296 -turbo -max_key_interval 250 -imin 1 -pmin 1 -max_bframes 1 -bvhq -bquant_ratio 162 -bquant_offset 0 -bmin 1 -par 1:1 -threads 1
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 12:42:10 PM] Encoding started
        --[NoImage] Standard output stream
        ---[NoImage] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert 2002-2003
        ---[NoImage] Tot: enctime(ms) =2843926.00, length(bytes) = 4855340852
        ---[NoImage] Avg: enctime(ms) = 15.97, fps = 62.62, length(bytes) = 27262
        ---[NoImage] I frames: 778 frames, size = 50226/ 39076531, quants = 2 / 2.00 / 2
        ---[NoImage] P frames: 89843 frames, size = 38182/ 3430393087, quants = 2 / 2.00 / 2
        ---[NoImage] B frames: 87469 frames, size = 15844/ 1385871199, quants = 3 / 3.00 / 3
        ---[NoImage] N frames: 5 frames, size = 7/ 35
        --[NoImage] Standard error stream
        ---[NoImage] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Avisynth detected
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input colorspace is YV12
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input is 720 x 480, 29.970fps (30000/1001), starting from frame 0
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Number of frames to encode: 178095, Bitrate = 1858kbps
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: xvidcore build version: xvid-1.2.2
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Bitstream version: 1.2.2
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 3DNOW 3DNOWEXT TSC
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected cpus = 3, threads requested = 1, threads in use = 1
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:29:37 PM] Postprocessing
        ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:29:37 PM] Job completed
        -[Information] Log for job4 (video, VTS_01_1.avs -> VTS_01_1.avi)
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:29:37 PM] Started handling job
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:29:37 PM] Preprocessing
        --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.avs" -pass2 "C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.stat s" -bitrate 1858 -kboost 100 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -chigh 30 -clow 15 -overhead 0 -vbvmax 4854000 -vbvsize 3145728 -vbvpeak 2359296 -max_key_interval 250 -imin 1 -pmin 1 -max_bframes 1 -bvhq -bquant_ratio 162 -bquant_offset 0 -bmin 1 -par 1:1 -threads 1 -avi "C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.avi"
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 1:29:37 PM] Encoding started
        --[NoImage] Standard output stream
        ---[NoImage] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert 2002-2003
        ---[NoImage] Tot: enctime(ms) =4895966.00, length(bytes) = 1379512389
        ---[NoImage] Avg: enctime(ms) = 27.49, fps = 36.38, length(bytes) = 7745
        ---[NoImage] I frames: 778 frames, size = 37441/ 29129330, quants = 2 / 2.81 / 4
        ---[NoImage] P frames: 89843 frames, size = 11707/ 1051822636, quants = 2 / 5.30 / 9
        ---[NoImage] B frames: 87469 frames, size = 3413/ 298560388, quants = 3 / 8.18 / 15
        ---[NoImage] N frames: 5 frames, size = 7/ 35
        --[NoImage] Standard error stream
        ---[NoImage] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Avisynth detected
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input colorspace is YV12
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Input is 720 x 480, 29.970fps (30000/1001), starting from frame 0
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Number of frames to encode: 178095, Bitrate = 1858kbps
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: xvidcore build version: xvid-1.2.2
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Bitstream version: 1.2.2
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 3DNOW 3DNOWEXT TSC
        ---[NoImage] xvid [info]: Detected cpus = 3, threads requested = 1, threads in use = 1
        --[Information] Final statistics
        ---[NoImage] Video Bitrate Desired: 1858 kbit/s
        ---[NoImage] Video Bitrate Obtained (approximate): 1863 kbit/s
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:26 PM] Postprocessing
        ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
        ----[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:26 PM] Successfully deleted C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.stats
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:26 PM] Job completed
        -[Information] Log for job5 (mux, VTS_01_1.avi -> VTS_01_1-muxed.avi)
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:26 PM] Started handling job
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:26 PM] Preprocessing
        --[NoImage] Job commandline: "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avimux_gui\avimux_gui.exe" "C:\Users\DR. MFC 7-64\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E83.tmp"
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:26 PM] Muxing started
        --[NoImage] Standard output stream
        --[NoImage] Standard error stream
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:30 PM] Postprocessing
        ---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
        ----[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:31 PM] Successfully deleted C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.avi
        ----[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:31 PM] Successfully deleted C:\LA019_SEDUCTIONS_14\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 0ms.mp3
        --[Information] [1/25/2010 2:51:31 PM] Job completed

        I think these can give you a idea of maybe a better setting in the Xvid profile. The MP4 as I posted is working great.
        Last edited by admin; 26 Jan 2010, 12:48 PM.

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        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8964

          It's the "*-muxed.avi" files that you should be looking for (they're the final output files), and it's located in C:\Users\DR. MFC 7-64\Videos\.

          On the "AutoEncode" setup window, you can specify the output location of the final output file if you don't want it to be saved to the default location (your User\Videos folder).
          Last edited by admin; 26 Jan 2010, 12:52 PM.
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          • dr_ml422
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • May 2007
            • 1903

            That's what I'm talking about. The whole MeGUI went through the jobs and everything, completed them afaik, and said done for all. I go look for the muxed.avi files they're no where. Not in USERS ... Not in Videos in Library... No where there are muxed.avi files. My user folder has same videos in it as my Library folder. All MP4 of same ones I tried to convert to Xvid. No issues w/MP4. They all were completed and muxed.

            Here's a link to a old Guide at AD that I read a little while ago. It does say that Xvid can be difficult to convert in MeGUI. If you have any other recommended settings let me know. Guess there's many to convert and encode all formats.

            MeGUI is a front end for encoding MPEG-4 video and audio. Unlike older programs that tend to use VFW (Video For Windows) codecs, MeGUI and other modern programs use command line encoders. MeGUI can encode XviD or x264 video and MP3 or AAC audio. It can gi
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            • admin
              • Nov 2001
              • 8964

              In AutoEncode, try to specify a different location for the final output file, say somewhere like c:\temp\ (create this folder if it doesn't exist). It could be a folder permission issue (with avimux_gui, which MeGUI uses to mux the AVI file), in which case another solution might be to run MeGUI in Administrator mode.

              I'll try running some tests in Windows 7 64-bit and see if I can recreate the problem.
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              • admin
                • Nov 2001
                • 8964

                Managed to recreate the problem. It's definitely AVIMux GUI, as with MP4, a different software (MP4Box) is used to multiplex the audio and video streams together into the final output file.

                Trying to see if there's a solution ...
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                • dr_ml422
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  • May 2007
                  • 1903

                  I'm encoding right now on my new build. I set the Xvid profile to Xvid 2 pass(Balanced) instead of HT. I also hit analyse to see what recommendations MeGUI would have. Slightly interlaced so Deinterlaced was checked by MeGUI. I still used the Lame MP3 128 Kbs Audio profile by Nero, but I didn't check off Ffdshow on the MP3 settings in the Tweak Guide. It came up w/a warning about possible issues w/WMP and Media Center at playback. It offered a work around, but i'll leave that alone for now. I still left the output to C:drive. It worked w/the MP4 so lets keep it for now.

                  There's no harm if nothing comes out. I'll be patient and try new profiles and your suggestion next about Admin Rights/other folder. It's funny that although Xvid should go to a AVI container I don't know why in the AD Guide they said it can go in a MP4 as well.

                  Doesn't make too much sense, but they also said MeGUI will make you re-encode.

                  Many left this MeGUI alone after just 1 guide or so. I think it's awesome, and it does offer pop up suggestions when you don't know what you're doing. IE: Me. Lol...

                  I'm sticking w/it and once I get this Xvid we'll be able to help some one else. As long as the MP4 is taking it's all good. It wouldn't be in Xbox or PS3 if it wasn't going standard.
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                  • dr_ml422
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • May 2007
                    • 1903

                    Crazy how it would finish as a Ghost file.

                    Originally Posted by admin
                    Managed to recreate the problem. It's definitely AVIMux GUI, as with MP4, a different software (MP4Box) is used to multiplex the audio and video streams together into the final output file.

                    Trying to see if there's a solution ...
                    There was somewhere I'm not sure if it was your guide about adding the Audio later. Maybe that's the ticket. It'll be figured out soon enough. Pays to solve it. Many still will be using Xvid and other profiles. I want to know I can do it just asa fall back or as a alternative for now before I go all out w/the whole Hi-Def thing. It's time to make my builds use all their potential. lots of it too.
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                    Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

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                    • admin
                      • Nov 2001
                      • 8964

                      Good news and bad news.

                      Found a fix via the AVI-Mux GUI FAQ:

             (it's the second one from bottom, for Vista).

                      You need to go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avimux_gui", right click on the AVIMux_GUI.exe file, select Properties -> Compatibility -> and select run this program in "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" compatibility mode". Do this, and the AVI will be created.

                      The bad news is that you might have to re-encode everything again, as the "intermediate" files (the temp files created during encoding) may have been deleted already, and so you can't just manually mux the files together. A future solution to this problem is to disable the deletion of intermediate files (from the "Options" drop down menu, select "Settings", there's an checkbox for "Delete intermediate files", uncheck it. What this means is that after every encode, you'll get a bunch of other files in the same folder as your D2V/AVS file (for your example, one .avi, one .mp3), and then you can use the Tools -> Muxer -> AVI Muxer to manually join the video and audio streams into the final output.
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                      • dr_ml422
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        • May 2007
                        • 1903

                        Nothing's crashing though. It goes straight through as if everything's fine. Funny guy in answering last question. "I have no idea." Also are you suggesting the compatibility mode before the whole encoding takes place? If so and this is the fix then why would the intermediate files be deleted if this makes the AVI-MUX GUI work? You mean me and my files if I still have some to re-encode? I deleted all of them except this one comin here soon.
                        SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                        Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

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                        • admin
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 8964

                          Yes, you just need to set the compatibility mode once and it won't bother you again. It doesn't crash, but the program starts and the exits without a warning message.

                          The intermediate files thing is not necessary if avi-mux GUI works (which it should after the compatibility mode is changed), I was just putting it out there in case somebody might need to know. For your situation though, I would recommend keeping the intermediate files until you know for sure that that final AVI file is created properly by MeGUI/AVI-Mux GUI, as if it still doesn't work, you'll have to re-encode everything again the third time as opposed to being manually able to mux.

                          So in short, do the compatibility changes, change the intermediate file setting in MeGUI, do the encoding again and if the AVI file is create (the *-muxed.avi file), then you can delete all the other files and then change the intermediate file setting back to "delete".
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                          • dr_ml422
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            • May 2007
                            • 1903

                            Ok. I got it. I'll save this as a.txt on my PC. Knew something was up.

                            Yes it worked in Windows XP SP3 Compatibility mode. Took way longer than the MP4 file of even the same flic. Came out really nice just like the MP4. So I'll be having my hands full from now on converting. I'll just leave all my .iso files as is and take it from here. I didn't think I would get into conversion and so I stored all my flics as .iso so ImgBurn can queue and burn them quickly. Live and learn.
                            Last edited by dr_ml422; 27 Jan 2010, 05:21 AM.
                            SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                            Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

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                            • puding
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Mar 2013
                              • 1

                              Sorry to bump, but Its a little bit hard to find the same discussion about that.

                              I have the same stupid issue, even after 3 years. The file is not being created. And its happens only with ****ing XVID.

                              Its the same situation as the owner: .vob files from dvd (my OWN dvd, not any commercial dvd)...

                              Any solutions?

