Divx Player Alpha 2.0 freezing ('out of virtual memory')

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  • james222
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
    • 34

    Divx Player Alpha 2.0 freezing ('out of virtual memory')

    Divx PLayer freezes and must be shut down (it doesnt actually tell me this but i have to shut it down)

    I get the message that I am out of virtual memory (I have 512RAM and AMD athlon 2000xp and OS win2000) and must increas ethe size of my paging file (which is set at (dotn rememebr exaclty) 384 to 754 (max value).

    I have recently increased the size of my RAM to 512 from 256 as i thought that this might be the problem, bu ti am gettign the same problem.

    Thsi situation onyl occurs when using DIvx PLayer Alpha and USUALLY will only occur when I move the slider to go forward in the film.(althogu frequently it will also occur when i am just watchign a film)

    Very occassionaly the situation will not occur at all and i am able to watch an entire film without any crashes.(or messages tellign me that i am out of virtual memory)

    If i look at windows task manager during the Divx PLayer application while I am moving the slider I see the Memory usage bar shoot up to a peak of 1276596.(and it doesnt seem to come down again even though im not anymore moving the slider

    CPU usage shoot up to well, i suppose expected values i.e 33% but then when the p[layer freezes and or i get the virtual memory increase size warning it remains at 100%

    other values in the performance screen of the task manager include

    'Commit Charge(K) (dont knwo what this is)

    Total 195 600
    Limit 882380
    Peak 1276596

    Physical Memeory
    Total 523760
    Availbe 229168
    Sytem Cache 216392

    Kernel memory (K)
    Total 81688
    Paged 72256
    Nonpaged 9424

    Its a shame as i want Divx Player Alpha 2 to work as it seems to giev the best quality playback. Other wise BSplayer seems to give better playback than all the rest i have used)

    any answers?

    i have unistalled and reinstalled Divx player Alpha. Perhaps i need to do it again ( and manually delete the regitry values). but im nto gonna attmept to do that as id first liek to knwo for sure if it really is an installation issue. Im pretty sure that its nto a problem with my computer.

    If i remeber rightly, the first few time that i actually played back films in Divx player alpaha this situation never occured.

    many thanks