Blu-Ray vs. DVD - "picture quality"

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  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    Blu-Ray vs. DVD - "picture quality"

    It is very hard to find any "real world" comparison or telling pictures of how a Blu-Ray movie may look like compared to DVD material.

    It does not only require player and identical movies in both formats - the tricky part was "how can I capture a screenshot?"

    Well, I'm not going to say it was easy and of course I'm not going to say the way I decided to go is a proper one but I do hope the results may be of some use to you.

    I used a Blu-Ray and a normal DVD player (without UPSCALER!), used two movies on Blu-Ray as well as DVD and put my digital SLR camera on a tripod for the "screenshots".

    The following was used:

    - LG 42" lcd - 42lg5000

    - Samsung BD 1500
    (borrowed this player and was amazed that this model was able to do way more than it was supposed to in terms of what the manufacturer says in the manual AND the homepage infos!
    This BD 1500 WAS able to play avi files although manual and pdf say it was NOT able to.
    This BD 1500 was able to play DVD+R / DVD+RW although a sticker on top of the player said that it was NOT able to [sticker did not specify wether DVD+R referred to blank media or book type so i tested all and it played all *g*
    so it is all in all a matter of latest firmware update for the BD 1500!)

    - LG DVX 276

    - Kung Fu Panda Blu-Ray
    - Kung Fu Panda DVD
    - Mutant Chronicles Blu-Ray
    - Mutant Chronicles DVD

    - Mamma Mia DVD

    Screenshots :
    - Canon EOS 30d
    - Canon EF 100 mm macro
    - Benro tripod

    Please keep in mind that the movies were paused and of course a "still" image is different to what you are able to recognice when 24-30 frames per second move by on your TV screen.

    My visual impression is this:

    - you spot more details with blu-ray material on the tv but NOT as much as you will be able to see in the fololwing still images!

    - you still get a very good image when playing NORMAL DVDs on a proper player; dont let the industry tell you blu-ray is out of this world as opposed to dvd!

    - dvd material played with a player which has an UPSCALER makes a big difference when using a larger tv

    - the sound formats TrueHD and DTS-Master are NOT that much better than good 5.1 DD or DTS signals - they are hardly more than uncompressed formats and imho no reason at all to change your system or buy a certain product just because of these features
    (i do have 8 speakers connected to my onkyo btw so i'm not talking about the sound that may come from the tv)

    keep in mind that when you look at these full resolution pix of my camera in 100% full format on your monitor you will see way more details and therefore differences compared to watching a moving images on a 42" or so tv.
    with a full format picture like these you should and would normally have a much larger viewing distance and then those details will NOT be as clearly visible any more!

    or does anyone sit in front of a 42" tv with a viewing distance of only 2 m or less?
    i hope not


    the file names will tell you if it was dvd or blu-ray material on either the samsung blu-ray bd 1500 or the normal dvd lg w/out upscaler
    Attached Files
    Last edited by UncasMS; 14 Feb 2009, 10:21 PM.
  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    part 2

    part 2
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    • UncasMS
      Super Moderator
      • Nov 2001
      • 9047

      part 3

      part 3
      Attached Files
      Last edited by UncasMS; 17 Jan 2009, 10:04 PM.


      • UncasMS
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2001
        • 9047

        part 4

        part 4
        Attached Files


        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8964

          Great work!
          Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


          • dirio49
            Platinum Member
            Platinum Member
            • Apr 2005
            • 177

            I must say that it is very similar.
            But for the panda one i like the bly ray much more.
            Birthdays are good. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest .


            • UncasMS
              Super Moderator
              • Nov 2001
              • 9047

              in my still pictures you are able to see much more details - true

              but with a movie playing 24-30 fps you will NOT see all those lovely little details as precisely as you do now - that was my experience


              • BR7
                He is coming to your little town!
                • Aug 2005
                • 2137

                In my experience watching Blu-rays and going back to watch the very same movie on DVD,I think that DVDs have a hazy blur look to them,not to mention pixlation on black images.

                Why not post comparisons on movies like

                2001 Space Odyssey
                The Godfather
                Evil Dead II
                Nightmare on Elm Street
                The Cowboys
                Blazing Saddles
                Blade Runner
                All the old Bond films and so on

                My Blu-ray Collection


                • UncasMS
                  Super Moderator
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 9047

                  Originally Posted by BR7
                  ...not to mention pixlation on black images.
                  leads me to azume that the chip of the player is not doing a good job when it comes to upscaling capabilities or was it not even played from the same player you are referring to when talking about the blu-ray quality?

                  i normally do not have artefacts when watching dvds

                  Why not post comparisons on movies like

                  2001 Space Odyssey
                  The Godfather
                  Evil Dead II
                  Nightmare on Elm Street
                  The Cowboys
                  Blazing Saddles
                  Blade Runner
                  All the old Bond films and so on
                  you're more than welcome to do so

                  talking about bond: the remastered editon is a quantum leap for both sound and image quality

                  have not seen them on blu-ray though


                  • BR7
                    He is coming to your little town!
                    • Aug 2005
                    • 2137

                    leads me to azume that the chip of the player is not doing a good job when it comes to upscaling capabilities or was it not even played from the same player you are referring to when talking about the blu-ray quality?
                    I didnt mean all movies,I notice it on some of the bigger ones like King Kong. I do see a all DVds being hazy though

                    you're more than welcome to do so
                    I would love to ,but my camera isn't good enough
                    Last edited by BR7; 19 Jan 2009, 09:06 AM.

                    My Blu-ray Collection


                    • gonwk
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 1500

                      Hi folks,

                      Great Work UncasMS!

                      As far as I am concern ... they can keep their Blu-Ray ... from day one I just could not see the Hype on HD and or Blu-ray ... I am Fat, Dumb & Happy with plain old DVDs. Matter of a fact I am still on my 36" Panasonic ... and knock on the woods still going strong.

                      And who needs 25 to 50GBs of additional stuff. I guess it was needed to keep more people employed.



                      • MilesAhead
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 2615

                        I wonder if there's a "Blu-Ray review" site that critiques the quality on these releases? With some films if there exists a great source they can work from then the Blu-Ray can be much richer. But on some I have to wonder if they just take the DVD and upconvert it to blow up the bit rate? As example, I have the 16x9 "hip hop" DVD of the Jet Li Black Mask movie. I saw the Blu-Ray version and it sure looks like they just upconverted the DVD9.

                        If the Blu-Ray is going to be as fuzzy as the DVD9 it would be great if there was a site that saved the wasted effort by warning us off particular releases.

                        Sorry if it's semi-off-topic.


                        • UncasMS
                          Super Moderator
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 9047

                          simply buying BD in fact does not guarantee better/decent quality.

                          on you will find reviews and you should be able to get an idea of how good picture and sound quality will be


                          • MilesAhead
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 2615



                            • admin
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 8964

                              Yes, is a very good resource, especially for those not living in the US/Canada to check region status of releases (as verified by real users).
                              Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog

