I installed my parents new 16x burner tonight. When I tried to run shrink tonight, during the encoding it said that the estimated time was 4 hours! That's like 4x SLOWER than my 1x burner on my laptop. What is the cause of this? Also, the computer was freezing and DVD Shrink kept giving me the Not Responding act...
I check my processes in task manager. 22 Processes, 100% CPU Usage.
I checked and it's a Dell Dimension Series 8200 (P4 1.89 GHz)... it has a 256 RDRAM (PC800) in it already. That meets the burner's specs, but 512 is recommended? What in the world could be the problem here? And what is my next step.
Seriously, I need a lot of help on this one. I'm stumped.
I check my processes in task manager. 22 Processes, 100% CPU Usage.
I checked and it's a Dell Dimension Series 8200 (P4 1.89 GHz)... it has a 256 RDRAM (PC800) in it already. That meets the burner's specs, but 512 is recommended? What in the world could be the problem here? And what is my next step.
Seriously, I need a lot of help on this one. I'm stumped.